Whats wrong with my plants here (pics) my first sativa grow


Well-Known Member
looks overwatered - does your pot have holes in the bottom? do you allow the soil to dry out down a couple of inches before you water again? how often do you water?


Active Member
I got them in 3.5 gallon pots with 4 or 5 holes that arent really big at all . maybe big enough to fit a regular screw driver tip into it. I water about 2 times a week after it dries the first couple inches out. I dont have any hydroton in the bottom for drainage but water def comes out when i do water. maybe its just not draining well enough?


Active Member
its defintley not heat stress my temperatures have not once been over 78. I have a giant $400 stand up AC in there . The ones you need to connect a duct to the back and vent it out of the room. If anything my room has been a little too cool.


Well-Known Member
yea, it has some but not very much. i always use ffof and add another 1/4 to 1/3 of total volume in perlite. but i'm kinda stalling here because you also have a nutrient problem that doesn't look much like other things i've seen. if you hadn't said ph was ok i would guess ph fluctuations. best i can do.


Active Member
yeah the PH wasnt too good at first during veg. once they went into flower I got some PH down bc my PH was up almost over 8. These pics are a few weeks old. They are budding now but I dont want my overall yield to turn out shitty


Well-Known Member
lights are too far away, the plants look like too much N and water. once a week for something so small and spindly. the soil should be dry and starting to pull away from the sides. if the pots feel lite then they are ready to water. after you water them pick them up and see how they feel and then going forward you'll know.