Whats Wrong With My Plants!?


Active Member
I have them under 3 26W 6500K CFLs and 2 15W 18" fluoro tubes. I just put Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant food on them yesterday. I also sprayed them with Schultz Insect spray yesterday.

Anything else you need to know?

What can you tell from the pics?

What can I do about it?
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Active Member
im not expert on this but looks like maybe a combo of nute burn starting and heat issues? what are your tempuratures like? possibly over watering too.


Active Member
I don't know what the temp is. I don't have a thermometer. But it feels pretty fine to me.


Active Member
I would highly recommend reading through the forums about different fertilizers and nutrients, as well as ph levels. I have read dozens of threads asking the same questions that you just asked, so there is plenty of specific information out there for you. They're too young for a heavy dose of fertilizer, so they're definitely getting nute burn. I would put some distilled water through them, and maybe add a little H202 (hydrogen peroxide) to the mix.
A good indicator of temp is if you can hold your hand where your plants are without it started to get hot or burning. Also you might want to check your pH. A good organic fert for the veg stage is blood meal, lots of nitrogen and you wont get a buildup of salts like you would with the MG. I use nothing but organic nutes and it seems to work the best at least for me. But there are definitely others out there who are quite the mad chemists and can do wonders with chemicals. But with any fert or nutrient, remember a little goes a long way.


Active Member
A temperature issue will start from the top and work it's way down. The first indication of heat stress is when the edges of the leaves start to curl up. What you're experiencing is a nutrient issue. Nutrient problems start with the lowest leaves first and work their way up. Put down the Miracle Grow.


Well-Known Member
Well, I can say that it was a mistake feeding them already, for certain. As for the damage, it's probably overfert, and will only get worse. If I were you, I'd start reading up on flushing, and do it asap. If you're lucky, you can still save them. :)


Active Member
Awesome. I will pick up a hygrometer sometime soon. And I only used the miracle gro once. When should I start putting it back in? Should I use the recommended amount on the box? It says 1 teaspoon for every gallon.

And I will do my best to flush them.

But this started to happen even before I put the MG on, just to put that out there.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing there's a problem with your soil then, if you haven't fed them yet. What type of soil is it? Anything added? Also, don't worry about feeding them til they are about the same size as your pot,(2-3 weeks) both heigth and width. Soil has enough nutes to sustain them for that long, easily. :)


Active Member
Its just cheap soil from meijer and a little bit of potting mix mixed in with a little bit of nutes.


Well-Known Member
If you really want to save them, go buy some better soil, add some perlite to it, and transplant asap. If not, you're going to be having problems throughout your entire grow. :)


Active Member
Wow. I never thought it would be this hard. But im ready to get serious. Should I just maybe start over? Because Im not going to be able to afford an upgrade for a little while.


Active Member
It sounds like you're trying to make a cake, and all you have is ketchup, potatoes and a blender. It's just not going to work as easily as if you started over with the correct ingredients. Personally, I would start over with a nice soilless mix, some simple nutes (like GH Flora Nova), a ph meter, and a ppm meter. And all your headaches will go away.


Active Member
Also, the lighting that you have right now should be fine during the seedling stage, but you'll need a HID bulb once they get bigger, and for flowering for sure.


Active Member
I dont know about all that lighting. Im gonna do the whole thing with CFLS. Thank you for all the help though.
I gotta agree with satire on this one. Its really hard to be successful when you dont have the right ingredients. A good soil mix is a must. A cheap way to have a high quality soil is to do it yourself. There are a ton of good soil mix recipes on here and online if you just do a google search. Or you can just go and get some foxfarm ocean forest like I did, the stuff is amazing. What's your watering schedule like btw? You should only be watering every few days when the soil is dry to the touch. If you are watering everyday you are drowning those babies. If you arent careful with the watering your plants could get root rot and then it would just be another problem to deal with. As far as when you should put the MG on...NEVER! that stuff sucks.