whats wrong with my seedlings? help?


Active Member
You did not even had to add nutes did you . . . or did you?

Either way good shit going now! I got 20 clones that are rooting now, shame i throw away 10 :cry:


Well-Known Member
well... i did not add nutes for the first couple weeks. but my seedlings started to curl like ram horns and i relized that rockwool has no nutes for the seedlings to eat. so fed them some humboldt nutes and they blew up right away. your only suppose to not add nutes the first couple weeks in soil due to the fact that soil has some already. this is my first time doing indoor. i am a outdoor guy. i use to starting a couple thousand seedlings under the sun, in the ground, and letting them ride out the summer. i bought this set up to play with and learn hydro. why did you have to throw out your 10 clones?


Active Member
Well I decided to stick with the scrog method. I was going to switch up and do the sog but ehh ill stick with the old faithful. I cut the clones to prep for the sog I got 20 doing they thing but since I will start flowering this weekend it will be 9 weeks for them lil ladies to veg and that will create monsters, I may not even be able to hold onto 10 maybe 8. Make a long story short I dont have the space for 20 9 week vegged bushes! But man I wish i did cause if i let the other 10 stay for 9 more weeks then they would be about 18 20 weeks before I flowered again and then they would be monster monsters!

I have never did soil but I want so bad to do an outdoor grow this season but I am still searching for the perfect place. When you plant outside when do you plant the seed. Maybe I can take my clones and transplant into the ground. Another question I always wondered about outside, you know how they say dont foiler feed in flower, well what about when it rains outside?


Well-Known Member
shit man i start seeds in feb. to march. the sooner you get them in the ground. I had 12 footers by oct. depends on weather. but if still cold out we start the seeds in a green house then move them outside. last season i planted a couple hundred clones outside in one of my spots. alot of my friends only use clones for the outdoor season. I am from humbodt county the emerald triangle, so plant as many seeds, or clones as u can. I even do 2 outdoor harvists. i have a couple green houses and about half way threw the summer I throw black tarps over the green houses to trick the plants into flowering, then in oct. to nov. we do the big outdoor harvest. as for the rain. it can be a problem sometimes, last season we got hit with a huge storm in northen cali about 3 weeks before harvest, and alot of the plants were so big they inded up on the ground becuse the buds were so big as soon as water hit them they snaped. we had to string them up in a couple cabins and kept a fire burning 24 hours a day to try to dry them out. but we still got alot of mold. mold is the worst thing that can happen. it can ruin a plant that you would get 4 or 5 pounds off of and end up with a quater pound becuse of mold. you dont want water on the flowers at all. outdoor is fun, its were all this shit started. its a differnt type of growing then this indoor thing. thats why i am trying to learn this indoor thing cause its so differnt. you should def try it. find a few good spots and plant. never all in 1 spot just in case you loose a spot for some reason. (theifs, cops, what ever) we always loose a couple spots . the more spots the better, u can never have to many.


Active Member
Man you are really hyping me up for a outdoor op. Looks like I need to find me some spots and get busy. I just cranked up my tent ...got 5 going and im looking for a lb dry. Man when you say 4 or 5 lbs per plant that gave me a chill! So you just put the clones in the ground and let them do they thing or is it a process like indoor?


Well-Known Member
rapid rooters are made from shredded bark,moss,ect. It has anough nutes to start the seed.you have to use low strenght nutes with rw cause its a inert medium wich means it has zero nutes at all
how tall/how long do you think they can go? My tomatoes are looking bad they are about 2in tall and i watered once with 1/8 strength nutes after about a week and they are turning brown on tips and the stalk of one is brown and it fell over. It looks like i burned them.... This is my first rodeo with anything appreciate the help.