What's wrong with Snow White #4

Sew Stoned

Active Member
OK, first grow going on here and everything was going great but now all of a sudden I have all these spots over pretty much everything. Growing in a drip pod system drip running once every four hours. Nutes are Maxigrow by GH at about 400 PPM in the larger plants 150 PPM in the seedlings. PH is 5.5 to 6.3 or so, that is the range I seem to be able to maintain it at. Snow White # 4 (main plant focused on) Big one) is 19 days old at time of post. Has been doing increibly well but now seems evertything is developing these spots. No evidence of pests. Temp in grow zone averages about 77 to 76. Min is about 72 maxes out at about 78. Humidity is low naturaly so I humidify to between 45%, and 60% hard to tell for sure don't have a real hygrometer yet. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Active Member
Hmm...hard to say without pics...If everything else seems okay...which it does, could probably be spidermites. Just from description though..upload a few pics if you can...you'll get more help.


Active Member
Damn...missed those pics...my bad...lol...I think you have a combination of problems going on...those white spots could be mites though...You are probably also underfertilizing them or have a nutrient problem...educated guess...good luck


Well-Known Member
you are over watering. rockwool can only be watered 1 time daily on plants that small and only twice per day on vigorously growing plants.
rockwool holds quite a bit of water.

Sew Stoned

Active Member
Phinxter they are in a little rockwool starter cubes just for when they are seedlings the vast majority of the root system is in the hydroton and in the pod below but Snow White # 4 the main big one I'm worried about is vigorously growing for sure look at the size for 19 days. I figured 30 mins on 3.5 off would be sufficient. By the way white specs are dry wall dust, tried to clean it off as much as possible without beating the hell out of the girls. Some remains yes and with my photography options it shows up very well. Spider mites was my first guess when I noticed the spots but on examination of the under side of the leaves with a 30X magnifier I saw no evidence of pests.

Sew Stoned

Active Member

Is it possible for the plants to be over watered when the roots are basically hanging in the nute solution in the pod all the time anyway? I thought the drip was more or less to moisten the roots in the hydroton, and the roots exposed to air in the pod. All the examples I have seen of over watered plants in the grow FAQ seemed to be droopy and weighed down these plants seem fine except for the spots. As stated the nute solution was weak about 150 PPM so I changed the resivour and upped it to 400 PPM a couple of days ago and if anything the spotting issue seems to be getting somewhat worse. Again any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sew Stoned

Active Member
Looks like a ph problem. Have you checked and closely monitor your ph levels.
Yes, I check the PH minimum of once a day usually several times and adjust as necessary. I should mention I use reverse osmosis water as well. I shoot for a PH of 5.8 and usually it will rise every few days to around 6.1 or so and I'll bring it back down using General Hydroponics PH Down. I was reading another problem in this forum about Ozone damage and the picture they posted looked kind of similar to the problems I'm encountering. I was using an Ozone Jr. ozone generator in the room and just today moved it outside the room to behind where the exhaust lets out. Could it be having the ozone generator in that close a proximity to the plants was causing this spotting? I should mention that the smaller plants on the left are exhibiting spotting as well but not all of them. Seems to be no rhyme nor reason to why some are spotting and others are not.All comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
yes i wasnt going to sugest it cus few peeps use ozone but it can cause damage if its close some people will argue this point but after looking at ur picks all i see is a few little red/orage spot consistant with ozone damage so with it outside the grow room u should be good also i dont know the ph for hydro but it is suoposed to be lower than soil

Sew Stoned

Active Member
yes i wasnt going to sugest it cus few peeps use ozone but it can cause damage if its close some people will argue this point but after looking at ur picks all i see is a few little red/orage spot consistant with ozone damage so with it outside the grow room u should be good

Thanks for the info before reading that other post today I had never heard that ozone could actually damage the foliage of the plant. I know it can damage the human lungs if prolonged exposure at elevated levels occurs. But never dawned on me that it is possible for it to damage the plants. My room is very well ventilated as well so I didn't think it would be an issue of being to high a concentration either. But as stated it is completely out of the room now and no where near the intake source so any ozone in the grow room will be a bare minimum amount. I suppose time will tell now over the next few days if the problem seems to dissipate or if it continues to worsen. Thanks again, any other view points are welcome on the condition of my little ladies.