What's wrong with these seedlings in Rockwool? Pics Included.


Well-Known Member
Dip into the bowl until the water creeps up about halfway up the side, like I said. ru3r34l is totally right about the root needing to seek water downward. That's why I water "from the bottom" and not the top -- that and the damping off disease.

But don't let the cube sit in water! It will eventually suck up enough water to be wet through.

The roots should grow quickly. You should have a little root poking out the bottom within 3-5 days or so. Then it's time to go into your bigger system.


Dip into the bowl until the water creeps up about halfway up the side, like I said. ru3r34l is totally right about the root needing to seek water downward. That's why I water "from the bottom" and not the top -- that and the damping off disease.

But don't let the cube sit in water! It will eventually suck up enough water to be wet through.

The roots should grow quickly. You should have a little root poking out the bottom within 3-5 days or so. Then it's time to go into your bigger system.
Well there ya go, that may be it, they are 2 weeks old and already have several roots poking out the bottom. I will be transferring them into my soiless mix next.

Guessing I should do that now since I see the roots? And continue to water with 5.8 ph, even now that they are in soiless mix?