Whats wrong with this plant?


Well-Known Member
I'm new.......fresh out of the box but it looks like mine when I first started it out. Mine kind of went to shit after that but yours looks OK to me right now. Mine had those same big leaves on it too in the beginning.


Well-Known Member
im thinking is a ph problem but i have no idea. I have a meter and up/down kit on the way. anyone else have advice?


Well-Known Member
Looks fine, the slight browning on that one leaf in pic 1 seems to be from it laying in the soil after watering?


Well-Known Member
Too much water or maybe the cold? Try and keep it dry and cozy, forget about feeding. if the soil is having trouble drying use a skewer and poke little holes for air penetration.


Well-Known Member
i only water when i need to and the temp is controlled by a thermostat and a small heater. under light is 76 and room is 73. RH is 30-40% i think its a high ph but idk i hope someone can agree/disagree with that.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
looks fine i would say shes a little wet but nothing to worry about just take it easy the less you do the better.


Active Member
FFOF is pretty strong (fert wise) esp. for seedlings and even early Veg. I made that mistake myself, now I'm going to finish off the plants I have currently and look into trying a different medium for the next run; maybe Happy Frog. :) Also maybe light burn? The lower leaves look like crumpled and flattened paper so to me; (admittedly, a noob but I'm learning everyday!) I'm 50/50 nute/light? What is your light situation?


Well-Known Member
that makes sense that ffof is strong for seedlings/new plants. Should i mix my own soilless to start from seed next time? what do you recommend? i would like to stick with soil idk why. Any soil that has none whatsoever? light burn cant be a problem, i have a 125watt cfl 6500k with reflector hanging 3 inches away. temps dong go above 78.


Active Member
As suggested earlier; there are a myriad of soilless mixes with ferts and w/o, organic, coco, etc. Just really depends on preference, imo you just think of it as which problems (innate in any medium) "am I" most comfortable dealing with. I'm personally thinking about switching to Happy Frog from FF, it's organic and I've heard good things about it, it is a bit more expensive I think though. My regular herb/veggie garden seems to like the Sunshine #4 I transplanted to. I've also heard that you could add 20-50% more perlite to amend the FFOF, haven't personally had time/finances to mess tho. Also, I'm nowhere near experienced enough to compose my own medium so ya got me there! Hope this helps!