what's wrong? !#$!#$!@# yeah pics attached...


Well-Known Member
Hit me with ideas..please before I lose my freakin mind. stupid twisting leaves...plus they're so thin i can't figure out if it's sativa or indica...HELP
Water..R/O....PH is 5.8..
Technaflora "recipe for success"...20% strength
340 PPM
400W MH..ADJUSTED SEVERAL TIMES (DISTANCE FROM PLANTS)...now they're about 18 inches away.
Pics of Roots..they're brown because of Thrive Alive...not slime.
18 gallon tote with 13 gallons of water..
I even posted the hydrometer so that can be seen...
all I wanted to do was chill and watch the damn olympics but now i gotta stress over this shit! I WILL BE CHECKING THIS SITE ALL NITE. Thanks and please wrack those brains. Be EzE and toke one for me!
two oscillating fans..



Well-Known Member
the twisting leaves could be from proximity to the light. if you moved the light already, how recently, and how long after you noticed the twisting in the leaves? if they were damaged from initial heat damage they may not get better, but it's not going to really effect the growth of your plant at this point.


Well-Known Member
Moved lites this morning..they were 15 inches away so i moved them..twisting has been for about a week and a half but appears to be getting worse..thanks for responding..nice avatar by the way


Well-Known Member
personally i'd say it's just a heat/light issue. since you moved the lights just wait to see if any of the other leaves continue to do it. The ones that have already twisted my not recover and my even go necrotic with yellowing and drying and crumbly to the touch.


Well-Known Member
Cant be soil as it is DWC grow but thanks..i hope its just the lites but i didnt think 84 degrees is that hot. I used the hand trick and it didnt feel hot. Thanx for responding


Well-Known Member
it doesn't necessarily have to be heat it can just be too much light. I've done DWC/Soil/aero I like to keep my temps in the mid 70s altho not always possible. even when my temps are in the 70's i have seen that before. in fact one of my current flowering plants has the same issue. excess nitrogen tends to lead to the leaf tips pointing down or curling like a taco with an extremely deep hue. the only concern that you have at this point by moving the light up is your lower level plants. I can see that you have a baby next to a taller plant soooooo the baby my stretch.


Well-Known Member
I see..with r/o i added extra MagiCal..which has some nitrogen in it..small percentage..but maybe thats the problem because i add boost..grow..and..magical..thrive alive..sugar daddy...thats the recipe..the boost is tne nitrogen but theres a small amt in MagiCal. U think the big plant is gonna be good? The baby...that thing is a strange one...


Active Member
It looks like a heat issue to me.
If your room is 83* its too hot, not to mention that your water is probably the same temperature. If thats the case, your water is too warm, which mean there is less oxygen in the water, which could be a major culprit.
Taco leaves are almost always seen from magnesium deficiency, under/over watering, and heat stress.
Im not a hydro guy but I was under the impression that Magnesium gets locked out below a ph of 6.1, but im not positive.
Also, the thrive alive isnt causing the brown roots, the brown roots are from a lack of oxygen in the water, which is from warm water.

I know for a fact though that Its not a light issue.
My vote goes to heat stress.
You might need to add more CO2 if you cant bring the temp down to mid 70's.
If you can, its best to jerry rig a small window mount air conditioner into your grow room.
You also might want to try adding another air pump to inoculate the water with more oxygen.
And those leaves are hybrid leaves, they are a product of a indica and sativa....just so you know :)


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for responding! A few things: If u look at one pic you'll see the ole frozen 2L waterbottle trick...I don't let res. get beyond 74 if i can help it. About mag deficiency..you may be right as I use RO water which is stripped of everything..but I compensate by adding MagiCal (familiar with it?) to the resrvr. I keep Ph at 5.8 which from what I've learned is optimal for Hydro..About the brown roots...I will take that into consideration and add another bottle...I have a Bluelab pen which measures resrvoir temps and they are usually around 72-74..
About the Heat....I swear the temps were in the 90's last week in that room and the leaves didn't look like that and I rigged a diy c02 system and had it going... (i even posted a question about whether or not Co2 works in a room that isn't totally sealed. I have TWO 2 pound round air stones in my reservoir..two of them and they're pretty big..and new. OH..the A/C..I wish..only have central air and this is basement grow..windows sealed for darkness ya know. Question: Why doesn't the baby plant look that bad? I also have two soil plants beside the reservoir..babies..look decent too. Thanks a lot for your input..please keep it coming. Be eZe.
PPM this morning..330...Ph-5.8 room temp 82 degrees..RELATIVE HUMIDITY 67%...reservoir temp was 72degrees.


Well-Known Member
Get those res. temps down. Anytime I got over 70-72 my shit got all wacked out. You may want to look into buying or building a chiller. 84 ambiant air is not to hot IF you have enough air movement and exchange make sure you have air moveing thru the whole plant.

Get some more bubblers in your rez also. The water in the pic does not look very aerated.


Well-Known Member
Ok..will go add another frozen 2l bottle now..thanx! i got two big air stones in there but can add more...i dont know what foiler is. Thanks a lot for the help ..i need all i can get.


Well-Known Member
To feed the plant by mixing super dilluted nutrients and ph'ed water and spraying the leaves.

Only do when the lights go off at the end of the 12/12 cycle. If you do it lights on it'll burn the plant


Well-Known Member
Also res temps should be 70F tops if memory serves. Actually I did best hydro in winter when res temps. were 68 pretty constant lights on.


Well-Known Member
heres my first grow...ironically i had no instruments..it WAS Winter in the basement so you are probably right..i shudda waited. Funny how that turned out when i had no clue what i was doing...it was decent too. I actually know more now (and still dont' know shit really) and yet..issues arise.
Just added another airstone..got 3 in there now..thanx and since i only on day 27 of vegging it will be awhile before i do the foiler spray. My res temp was 72 so i added another 2l bottle. Cant afford chiller rite now,,i wish. Thanx for ur advice.


Well-Known Member
I made my own chiller. Got copper distillery coil and a small fridge. All off Craigslist for about 90 bucks. Few fittings and I had an inline DIY chiller for $120 bucks and some sweat.


Active Member
How about a copper tube coiled up verticly, like a radiator, places on the inside wall of a mini fridge, with a tap installed.
It could be a water chiller/kegerator :)


Well-Known Member
U guys are too hightech for me...im not that mechanically inclined but i have stuff lying around..old dehumidifier..thanx..buddacheese..the reservoir is about 70 now..i keep frozen bottles in it..change out about every 2 hours..thanx a lot for checking.