Whats Wrong????


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with my plants? There is yellowing on the bottom two sets of leaves. They are at day 27 from sprouting. I have given them one dose of nutes 30-10-10 at 1/4 strength about one week ago since then thay have continued to yellow. Please help me!!


Well-Known Member
your soil looks to dry. do you have holes in those cups. i'd re-pot them in nice big pots then start them on a regular feeding of nitrogen. it looks like they wqant to get huge but are being held back.


Just some idiot
If you are on day 27 that plant should be in a bigger container and one that isn't see through, the roots don't like it. I don't think this is why you are getting yellow leaves but if you transplant it will love you for it.


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with my plants? There is yellowing on the bottom two sets of leaves. They are at day 27 from sprouting. I have given them one dose of nutes 30-10-10 at 1/4 strength about one week ago since then thay have continued to yellow. Please help me!!
Do you mean what's wrong with them apart from being in the wrong transparent pots which will allow light to damage the root hairs, probably also insufficient drainage and should have been repotted about a week ago?


Well-Known Member
I wrapped the pots with foil tape to block the light. I transplated plant B from the smaller red cup and the roots did not even fill the cup or hold the soil together. I dont think that they are rootbound. As for drainage holes there are several in the pots alowing plenty of drainage. I have had problems with the soil drying out in the smaller red cup, so maybe I will transfer plant C in to one of those 1 litre container. What do you guys recomend?


Active Member
there is definetly no room for available water in those small pots. its drying out because your water holding capacity is at a minimum and the roots are probably getting just as much 02 as they are water, which is not what they want. i agree with the others, transplant time about 2 weeks ago