what's wrong

northern cali

Active Member
I have 3 widdows outdoor they have been outside for about a month and they are growing really slow only have there 3rd set of leave what the probly they get about 8 to 10 hours of sun everyday and enough water and info thanks


Well-Known Member
right now theres probably not enough hours of light for vegetative growth wherever your at theres probably only like 13 hours of light per day right now so maybe there flowering


Well-Known Member
You know, I always seem to get off to a slow start, too. I can't figure out what it is, full sun, different mediums, more/less water etc. A lot of people's two week pictures kick the shit out of my month old babies. I'm at three weeks now and haven't even posted pics because they're so small.

Oh well, it'll pick up for sure once they get in the ground.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
ive gotten seeds that were questionable on genetics that took forever to start to veg once they took hold they were fine ,i think the seeds may have been a bit immature


Well-Known Member
Its much healthier and faster producing if you start them off indoors with a nice sized container under optimal lighting and heat conditions. If you just stick them outdoors in the soil, its going to be slower and initial results will not look as promising as others you see on here.