What's wrong?


Active Member
This is my first time growing and I planted 7seeds in soil, and 7 in my Aerogarden. The 7 in the soil did not make it because lack of light. 1 out of the Aerogarden had to come out because I added a new pump. 4 I took out today because the was small and they had little brown spots on them. The other 2 are still there but 1 has a couple of brown spot on 1 of the lower leaves. I changed the water in the reservior, and only added the nutes and I gave them a little less nute this time and no CAL-MAG. Here is a couple of pics of my plants. I tried to take a close pic... I run the lights and airstone 24/0. They both are bagseeds... What should I do?



Well-Known Member
The brown spots are a PH problem most likely could be a mag but thats caused mostly by ph. What are your nuts PH lights ects. Detials help never to many details. Are you using tap water?


Active Member
I'm using "Pure Blend premium organic plant food Pro grow" and "Liquid Karma". LIGHTS: (1) 2ft 48wT5 and (1)48in flouresent grow light. I use 7ml of pure blend pro grow(but i only used 5ml today when I changed the water). I used 1and 1/2 table spoons of Liquid Karma, I ph the water after I put the nutes in. It was yellowish-green when I tested, Im not sure what the real number is. My babies are starting to put off a very nice skunk smell!!! You said something about the ph, was it to high or to low? I did not check it before i changed the water.


Active Member
Well I think it's a really good idea to switch to distilled drinking water, for one, the ph is usually close to 7, and two, it doesn't have the impurities or chemicals like clorine that plants hate. Also, your plants are still pretty young, and I would still wait before giving them any more nutes. Maybe get a digital pH tester too, since they aren't that expensive either.


Active Member
I started adding bottled water to my reservoir, and I also started to check my ph everyday.(sometimes twice a day) I was reading and found that my plant probally has a "iron" problem. I have been doing some reading........I read that when you use hydroponics "iron falls out of the solution relatively fast due to use of magnetic driven pumps without grounding probes and high levels of dissolved oxygen from air stones and pumps". That meanss that my babies that I trashed was not killing the rest of my garden!!!!!(THAT'S NOT GOOD) I hope that the CAL-MAG works.......Here is a couple of pics of what they look like before the CAL-MAG. I will take more in a couple of days to keep you posted... WISH ME LUCK



Well-Known Member
i hope you're giving these little dudes their fair chance of survival and not just throwing them out when they look like they're gonna die. I mean, i assume you are... but if not... you should haha


Active Member
I didn't even think twice about throwing them out(lol) . I got some of my seedling from soil and I thought they was killing my other plants. So...........they had to go. I'm really not that mad cause I wasen't going to be able to keep them all in there. I 'm just hoping that the CAL-MAG works. How can I get female seeds in the Us?
i hope you're giving these little dudes their fair chance of survival and not just throwing them out when they look like they're gonna die. I mean, i assume you are... but if not... you should haha