What's your Avatar about?


RIU Bulldog
So I've been meaning to start this thread for a while because in the laste year or whatever I've been here, I've noticed some funny avatars and interesting screen names. I wonder sometimes about why people chose the nicks they do. Some are so egotistical and pretencious. Some seem to have an awesome backstory but you find out it's just their kid's name or something. So how did you decide upon you SN and avatar?

When I was just a young stoner in high school, my house was the only one empty long enough to smoke at. I'm mexican but I'm pretty americanized by any standards, so when my friends noticed that every time they came over there were beans cooking on the stove, they found it hilarious. For some reason..lol My grandma lived with us at the time and shes old school, so we always had homemade beans. Anyways, from then on they called me beans. It's the only true nickname I've ever had.
I made it my own and changed it to beansly. To be said with a finger monocle up to your eye and a snooty british accent. Beansleh.
It represents me because I see myself as a bum with class. A fool with dignity.
Not very interesting story, I know. lol

As for my avatar, he represent the inebriated reprobate bum that I truly am. Hes a drunken boxing kung fu fighter, like Jackie Chan in the old movie. He's a character from an old arcade Neo-Geo game called King of Fighters. His Name is Chin.
I like the drunken master philosophy. Do what you need to do to survive, but work hard and take pride in what you decide to do. lol


Well-Known Member
Hehe pretty obvious what mine is. Always been a Trek fan, and the Picard facepalm kind of reflects what I'm thinking sometimes when I see really stupid shit on the internet or elsewhere. Obijohn is a take off on Obi-Wan, my name is obviously John


Well-Known Member
Back in middle school me and a few friends made up a hip hop group. We just rapped about some retarded shit... mostly about how we were cooler than all other rappers. Amongst some of the emcee names, one of them was MC cucumber, unfortunately I was high when I made my name and I typed mccumcumber... oh well.


Well-Known Member
I always give a lot of my buds away for free so people could give me a simple smoke report. I normally give away about an 1 1/2 to multiple friends and people I know that smoke. Well everyone would always tell me 'damn this is the best bud I've had hands down' so I stuck with it. The shit that goes around where I live is usually very moist and uncured, so when you smoked it would scratch your throat like crazy oh yeahb and never with flavors, just that green grass flavor.


Well-Known Member
Perfextion is my gamer tag since forever because I always strive to be the best at anything I dedicate myself to but the misspelling with the x represents everyone having a flaw and not being perfect. 420 is obvious

My avatar is Hunter Stockton Thompson the inventor of gonzo journalism the practice of documenting events while living them and as they happen, he was an important political journalist who did the majority of his work in the sixties and seventies. He is more commonly known as the main character portrayed by johnny Depp in the movie fear and loathing in las Vegas


Well-Known Member
Marlboro because whenever Im high I love to smoke, Im usually the one with cigarettes when my homies are all fucked up. 47 because I like that number better then any other numbers. My avatar just compliments my name :)


Pickle Queen
ya i put my fav back up, guess it's also self explanatory, the others i have are eye pics, guess it's my fav part of the human body, eyes don't lie, lips and fingers do


Well-Known Member
<--- Turtles in a half shell! Turtle Power!

Grew up with that shit and love it! Michelango is my favorite.:mrgreen:

kmk is a band (kottonmouth kings) srh is their label/company (stoners reeking havoc) and I created the handle when I use 21 a few years back... pretty simple. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i love zeppelins and led zeppelin. back to my love of zeppelins, i dont know why but i made my avatar a tribute to the hindenberg disaster

fun stuff.

i made my name ebcause i was here to post about my plant and i was growing for medical purposes. i actually tried a lot of names and nothing was available - this is where i ended up...
My one just fuckin cracks me up all the time it will never get old ever ha im going to get this tattooed onto me eventually