whats your defense plan this year?


Well-Known Member
I had forgot about Pyrethrin being organic. Good call as I had a LOT of leap hoppers last year. I'm particularly worried about my Jackberry this year, as I'm hoping taking your recommendation of planting Caramel Candy Kush and it's resistance assures less worries with that strain. The nearly pure indica Jackberry is supposed to be extremely dense and that sounds like a recipe for mold if it's cool and moist like last season. I'm hoping the Sweet Skunk from Peak will be pretty resistant to rot as well, with its sativa dominance.
That CCK begins flowering when daylight drops below 14 hours, be careful on your site selection for that particular strain as it does not care for a ton of direct UV exposure. You will have massive resin output by mid-August, problem is that's too early. The sun angle is still too high, and it caused too much THC to degrade. CCK is perfect for the pacific NW, but in your area I recommend partial shade locations...no more than 5 or 6 hours of direct exposure if possible.

Sweet skunk I have grown indoors, and eliminated it as a potential outdoor strain. The structure of those plants either need a solid wind break from Fall storms or would have to be heavily staked/tied etc during flowering. The CCK withstood 50 MPH winds last year w/o any support.


Well-Known Member
I'm told single cola dominant plants like Sweet Skunk respond quite favorably to early topping/mainlining/super-cropping and hopefully I can help it by making a bush of it. Thanks for the tip on the CCK, as I've got just the spot for it, with lots of morning sun, but shade in the pm.


Where the fuck were these 2 guys spraying the eagle20? In mouths? Jesus christ!
Be fully dressed, or a bunny suit, and use a fricken resperator when spraying systemic poisons. Your buddies are tards, sorry :bigjoint:
you don't have to tell me, man. they were lazy people with access to good cuts and good gear. i dealt with what i could, gathered experience, and now i'm just sharing what i speculate was the work of eagle 20 on the human body.