What's your excuse? (for being out in the woods)


Well-Known Member
So I don't have a place indoors where I can grow ATM, outdoor might be my only option. Obviously there is some more risk involved in that it's out in the open. Here were a few thoughts I've had...

Way way back when I was a little kid, I used to like to go explore out in the woods and stuff like that. According to latest research, this generation of children is so caught up in video games, they spend less time outside than any generation. Who else would just randomly be walking around in a small area of woods ?

God forbid this situation ever comes up, but if it does.. What do you say to someone who asks you what you're doing out in the woods? Oh, umm... I'm bird watching, burying my dead cat, I can't think of any others except perhaps the most rock solid, irrefutable excuse EVER!!! I was looking for my remote control airplane! (which I have in hand) ;) It is common knowledge some of these airplanes can be VERY expensive! Therefore it is completely reasonable that someone would look around in the woods as long as possible until they found it. Fields and woods type areas are a necessity to fly these planes, don't wanna risk damaging people's homes. Also, this same airplane would be a very important tool for scouting out locations and doing some recon. Google Earth isn't always completely up to date, and it's not real time.

Before going in, you could land it near the grow site intentionally. You would walk in with a remote control in hand completely confident, along with any other gear which would clearly indicate your intention. Later, after the work is done, walk out with the plane in hand. That way, even if someone was watching you the whole time with binoculars, when they see you walk out, all their questions would instantly be answered ;)


Well-Known Member
Tell they you regularly meet with other men out in that spot and have wild sex orgies.........that should clear everyone out for a few miles! lol......But seriously, here in Cali you can hunt pigs 365 days a year.........I'm always scouting for pigs.....
i carry a GPS, notebook and pen and my camera. I am out exploring and marking down anything interesting, i.e...natural spring located 250ft from here to the south....a birdbook that fits in your back pocket dosent hurt either


Active Member
Meh. Those model airplanes are damn noisy. Hardly a stealthy approach going to your grow... "Hey! I'm over here! Just follow the loud buzzing racket!" "Don't worry. It's just my missing airplane... again." "And please ignore all of these pot plants that, just by coincidence, are in the immediate area."

How many times can you use that excuse before anyone gets suspicious? Most people fly those planes in wide open areas. Not wooded or heavily covered, overgrown places.

Binoculars and cameras are much better choices... Scouting deer trails and buck rubs for hunting season. Bird watching. Hiking during Autumn color season. Wildlife photography. These are very quiet activities that are also very defensible. They also allow you to carry a backpack for supplies if needed.


Well-Known Member
These are tried and true for me,plus you can bring different supplies depending what you want to accomplish that day.
Bird watching(camera,bird book,bag,water) use this most often

Looking of a good fishing spot( fishing rod,line,bag,water)use this excuse if your going in to tie your plants down....excuse for fishing line

hunting(bring a bow or rifle,some tags)no one will approach you....for long(make sure tags are in season)

hiking(backpack full of supplies ,camera,water)

walking your dog(can bring food and water)


Active Member
depending where im at i just bring my metal detector with me, nobody thinks anything of a nerdy person metal detecting ;) you could pick up a cheap broken one on ebay


Well-Known Member
Dress like a nerd bring binoculars ,bird book .study a little on birds and they seem to laugh at me,,,,


Well-Known Member
The digital camera is all U really need, I've walked right by law enforcement with a day packs full of compost etc...they assume it's photography equipment.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
depending where im at i just bring my metal detector with me, nobody thinks anything of a nerdy person metal detecting ;) you could pick up a cheap broken one on ebay
Used this one myself. It also explains the digging equipment in your backpack if you're prepping holes. Kinda saved my ass once. Made a post about it last season. Regardless I don't over think it too much because it's only been an issue once. If I'm not hauling anything then I can usually just come up with something on the spot. Also depends on the status of the land in question. If it's random wilderness, off trails around some park, a riverbank etc.
River = swimming or fishing. Make sure to have proper papers for fishing. Swim trunks on under your pants/shorts or whatever.
Trails = Hey I'm hiking to drop a few lbs.
Wilderness = scouting for whatever is going to be in season next. Just make sure to read up on whatever it is and proper methods/firearms to hunt them with. You don't say I'm going out bear hunting with my .22 revolver or 9mm pistol. Might also help if the officer decides to "chat" about whatever game it is in question. Are there raycuns in your area or raycun hunters? Sir I'm looking for my Blue Tick or Redbone hound. Maybe have a random picture of a dog on your phone?
I mean there's 1000 different things you can say. Just make sure it's halfway possible.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Thats Funny. My Gro Partner Happens to be female. We are Allowed too be on the private land we are on. So If we ever did happen to come across someone who wanted to know we would blatenly tell them we were having sex lol. Since its private land they can do nothing at all =).Ends The encounter quite quick as well.And Who Needs To Carry Anything to have sex. LOL Maybe a Condom haha. Great I Know.