Whats your favorite movie ?


Sector 5 Moderator
I really don't mind being ignored by the likes of fssalaska given the class shown be him/her/it in the private message that he/she/it sent me in which he/she/it called me a little bitch ass cock master and invited me to and I quote "Suck my fucking ass..." even understanding that this is the internet and all and the effect that anonymity has on the bravery of certain individuals I am still left to wonder what is wrong that person...
Some people are still stuck with the junior high mentality that "it's MY internet, GTFOH". I despise people who liberally use their freedom of expression, while at the same time doing all they can to suppress others' rights to the same - especially when they are new here. This site has lost most of it's best contributors, legendary growers, because of stupid assholes flaming and starting shit,

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my favorite hands down is serial mom. waters is a freak and his shit is hilarious. too bad rikki lake didn't die, but kudos just the same.