What's your favorite porn site search word?

Quagmire after learning about internet porn............

I was seeing this hooker out in foster city but she ended up leaving since some guy probably bought her. Id pay this girl 1000 dollars to step on my ball sack and i was having sex with her for only 200 bucks. Its a cheap price to pay for a girl that good looking.
i like porn that sounds like someones jumping up and down in a half full bathtub
i dont mind what happening, i just like that sound.

if i cant find any good porn at the time i just half fill the bath, close my eyes and jump up and down while i beat off. that usually does it
This is true. Me and a couple of other drunks did the same shit, but we searched for the most fucked up stuff we could think of.
Do a search for fat, old , Italian women with hairy armpits ( a childhood fantasy of mine).
I got one guy to puke on that one ( it might have been the tequila and PBR car bomb though) even before the site REALLY did come up. That was some funny shit.
Men cant be bought traded or sold. Only young women can dont you know?
You've never been to Thailand eh?

Bring your wallet. You'll have fun.

Men are better than women at everything so the only thing you should do with women is have sex with them. Women shouldnt have any rights at all, everything a woman does needs to be approved by a male since they are capable of rational thinking. Women are only attractive in their late teens through early 20s, some are good enough to look good up to their late 20s but that is rare. There is that better?
