What's your gram per watt?

I store all my stuff in containers like this. Keep them with 62% humidity packs and it will stay fresh and hold its color for a long time (no light like in Mason Jars). They are not cheap, but if you want to store your stuff right, I'd recommend them.
I vacuum seal mine in mason jars with a food saver. I put in a closet in the basement. It keeps perfect.
Lol, ha,ha!
For sure glass is the way to go. Allot of guys around here but these stainless curing containers w/ Bovedas. They work well, I like them better then jars cuz I can toss the salad whereas jars you'd have to dump it all out.
I've been using 2gall. Buckets for a few yrs. I know you're not supposed to use plastic but it works & is easier to use then jars.
As for pricing, I feel the compasion centers charge to much but that's actually a good thing.
Oh, I cure in Mason Jars w/ Boveda's. After cure, I transfer for storage to SS sealed containers. I believe curing in Mason Jars does a better job than a large pot all lumped together. Just my observation though, everyone has their ways. About the only way that is wrong IMO is in an unsealed container w/ light allowed to enter. Anything else is preference.
Mason jars are cheap enough, about $10/dozen and hold over an ounce depending on bud density. I only grow for myself, so I'm not interested in end user packaging. ;)

And yes, I on;y go by well cured and trimmed bud weight.

But you hps guys need to get over your lights. If they work for you, great, but I don't get why you are so pissed off that LED's work for others. Get over it. LED's grow good weed efficiently. And just like hps newbies, led newbies can fuck their shit up. But hps is no longer the only game in town. Sorry if that offends you.
and you know it still ultimately means nothing, because if you actually do smoke, you have had an experience if not many, where the shit looked good and was "Eh". So weight means nothing in terms of actually getting you high, thats the 1st fallacy of these goddamed threads....
Not everyone grow for $$$ anymore and the more legalizing continues the more everyone will grow for themselves and put shady out of business, why rip-off your fellow man to begin with, never got that.....then this Gram Per Watt will be DEAD dead. And actually getting high will again be part of the conversation, because it damn sure is the priority.

People need medicine too, not just baggied weed :peace:
Well said, man.
I'm a novice grower who is growing mainly as medicine to replace my anti-depressants which, although they do help with the depression, seem to take away my creativity and motivation. I'm looking for the correct strain for me. Something that'll give me motivation and creatvity but won't lock my ass to the couch all afternoon. It isn't about gpW for me or the yield - yeah it would be nice to get 30-something ounces from 4 plants but as long as I find the right strain and get a yield that is enough for me then it's all good. Not having to pay £60-£70 per Q helps my finances as well, obviously.
I prefer to compete with myself by making each grow better than the last, in terms of quality and to a lesser extent quantity, not by trying to get a better yield than others. :peace:
Based on @Sedan dimensions, his footprint in less than 5' x 5', grown vertically he has ~60 sq. ft. from his conical screen.

You see, judging your grow by your light's power consumption shows your skill at using it.

Total power consumption shows your efficiency.

We have these metrics for a reason.

Based on @Sedan dimensions, his footprint in less than 5' x 5', grown vertically he has ~60 sq. ft. from his conical screen.

You see, judging your grow by your light's power consumption shows your skill at using it.

Total power consumption shows your efficiency.

We have these metrics for a reason.

Whats that all in metric if ya dont mind me asking?

Total power consumption is not something i see people posting often in the G per W.

They will say they such and such G per W but dont add in the light movers, pumps, Fans, heater, AC etc etc.

But G per W really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Cause its strain dependant.
Whats that all in metric if ya dont mind me asking?

Total power consumption is not something i see people posting often in the G per W.

They will say they such and such G per W but dont add in the light movers, pumps, Fans, heater, AC etc etc.

But G per W really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Cause its strain dependant.
You're absolutely right. Gpw does not matter at the end of the 2 months flowering.
What matters is meeting your quota weight in your room of good bud.
Whats that all in metric if ya dont mind me asking?

Total power consumption is not something i see people posting often in the G per W.

They will say they such and such G per W but dont add in the light movers, pumps, Fans, heater, AC etc etc.

But G per W really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Cause its strain dependant.
It's dependant on a lot more then just strain.
Veg, light cycle, footprint, grow method and many more.
Someone in a smaller area using small wattage can easily throw a wrench into the metrics and at the end of the day g per watt is a terrible measure of a garden or grower
Whats that all in metric if ya dont mind me asking?

Total power consumption is not something i see people posting often in the G per W.

They will say they such and such G per W but dont add in the light movers, pumps, Fans, heater, AC etc etc.

But G per W really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Cause its strain dependant.

2.54 cm = 1"

People post gram per Watt because it is easier to figure than using multiple variables, such as time.

At the end of the day grams per Watt and grams per total Watt matter.

This is how you gauge your skill at growing. Low numbers means you need improvement or the op needs tweaking.

I know a lot of people just live day to day, moment to moment without ever thinking of tomorrow or yesterday. That's fine, just don't discredit something just because you don't use it or know what it means.
2.54 cm = 1"
yes..i knew that. Never mind ill find an online calculator later on. (me and maths dont get on)

Im not discrediting it, merely pointing out its a rough guide at best but I get why we use it. I also get why lots dont take to much notice of it.

Eg. Same size light and same strain. Lets say Big Bud.

Grower 1; is in a sealed room with AC, light mover, 3 circulating fans, CO2. gets 1 g per w.

Grower 2.; has an extraction fan and a circulating fan, gets 1g per w.

G per w for light is the same. G per W for actually W used and set up cost is not. In fact its a big difference.
You are talking total power consumption, something large scale growers worry about. They have to make the bottom line or they go out of business.

The metric of g/W is for grower skill, the total power consumption g/W is the efficiency of the build.

Take into account geography, they could have all of the same equipment yet an ambient temperature difference of 10° C.

Don't use stoner logic here.

Side note, if someone is using CO2 and they aren't getting 2+ g/W they don't have the skill to use it.

Quantitative data.
Don't listen to any of that then.

People that detail their work are the only ones credible.

CO2 is a big advantage, I doubt anyone is using it would admit to 1 g/W.

You have to use common sense sometimes.