What's your job title and pay?


Well-Known Member
He' okay thank you for asking he is home from oz thank god, he seems to have settled down a lot I think he missed home and me quite a lot. :grin:
Glad he's back. I really admire his courage leaving everything he knew behind and traveling so far away. I'm sure that experience will really help him grow as a person.


Well-Known Member
Thats A+ certificaton right? I have all the videos, and study material. I'm thinking of going this route! I'm currently a Jr. in Plant Science at a CSU. Im tired of school, and need a break.
I got a+ certified while i was in jail. my last year of a 3 year bid was in the computer dept.


Well-Known Member
I wish that everyone who thinks stoners are all unemployed lazy asses who sit around eating cheetos all day would read this thread.

Ignorant motherfuckers.


I wish that everyone who thinks stoners are all unemployed lazy asses who sit around eating cheetos all day would read this thread.

Ignorant motherfuckers.
Hahahah, excellent comment, told my daughter if she wants be a stoner well then she cannot let the team down, no sitting around doing fack all, get out there and do something with your life, no weed if she lets us down, lol. She has two jobs.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Glad he's back. I really admire his courage leaving everything he knew behind and traveling so far away. I'm sure that experience will really help him grow as a person.
He has certainly changed since he got back he was a bit of a party animal and got a liking to snorting coke, since he's been back he hasn't done either and you can tell, so it did him good :clap:


Well-Known Member
My boss and I were just discussing what a Taboo question this is, in the USA.

But, it is quite the opposite in Russia and India. It is the first thing a stranger will ask in India
and in Russia we have to be careful in hiring, they blab......class systems.
Americans will ask what your job is practically first thing. Salary, never. One of the refreshing things about Western Europeans is that they almost never ask either question.