What's your occupation?


Well-Known Member
Prob really none of my buisness and alot here are more then likely still in high school.. I am curious what all you stoners do for a living ? do you like your job?


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you.....because that's rule #1 on this forum.
Don't mention anything personal about yourself.

I will tell you this.
I make good money....:mrgreen:


Active Member
i'm a software engineer. i build systems for fortune 100 companies. i actually like my jobs on most days. the worst part is having stoner moments.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you.....because that's rule #1 on this forum.
Don't mention anything personal about yourself.

I will tell you this.
I make good money....:mrgreen:
oh shit son me being a stoner missed it... my bad ok close this thread..


oh shit son me being a stoner missed it... my bad ok close this thread..

its not a site rule... just a "rule" with most of the paranoid bastards on here...you can post up your damn address if you are so inclined..... look at my activity rating... being on here is the closest thing i have to a job right now, besides being a parent... but hopefully after tomorrow morning, i'll be on the maintenance crew for our local university.... hopefully; assuming i pass the peepee test... i've been studying, so i hope so:-P