What's your ok i need to take a weed break story


Active Member
been growing my own for a few years i dont do perpetual cycles but usually do a couple harvests a year but am beginning to cut way back . i usually smoke maybe a few months every couple of years so im not heavy smoker

but i used to be about a decade or more ago , i have a high tolerance and when i smoke i smoke

the transition from sober to high is usually do subtle for me that i keep toking well into the early hours

i have ADHD and probably have that chaser effect brain chemistry.

ive just harvested my last grow got about 15 ounces , think im going to hang up my green gloves and put away ph pens and call it a day

4 months £200 electric, time , patience

i sat in the room and chilled all sunday smoking and scrolling the internet.. weed can really begin to mess with my sense of time i ended up not really coming into my reality until 1am the following day so basically i lost an entire day scrolling and sleeping then waking up at 1 am

weed makes me tired and slow down the day after not terribly makes me think what the hell did i get do last night its only weed . then i just smell that bud and i want to toke again .

i could go on like this for months until ive smoked up all the bud i will then eventually start added booze whisky into this mix. the my decision making gets hazey

i also have a really high tolerance for booze . i cant get drunk

i am probably the more dangerous kind of drunk or stoner because my tolerance is so high i end up smoking and drinking and keep on smoking and drinking. eventually i just disassociate. most people would be off the face slur there words fall over themselves or have emotional break downs at a certain point .

me i dont really change in my demeanor at all i could speak to you like im completely sober . but i continue to chase and chase smoke more weed drink more ..

begin to realise its all just triggering a pattern.

maybe my tolerance is too high for me to enjoy and not become lack of a better word "an addict"

im not an addict but because i got adhd and high tolerance i believe i have this chaser effect which when you finally clean up take a few days smoke free you begin to speed up mentally and begin to question your decision making

i dont know something about weed sends me down a path of weird thinking patterns. i go deep into my self conscious i get hung up on things i dont even really know exist or not or wether its just an altered state of perception i find it somewhat addictive though but also somewhat destructive.
been growing my own for a few years i dont do perpetual cycles but usually do a couple harvests a year but am beginning to cut way back . i usually smoke maybe a few months every couple of years so im not heavy smoker

but i used to be about a decade or more ago , i have a high tolerance and when i smoke i smoke

the transition from sober to high is usually do subtle for me that i keep toking well into the early hours

i have ADHD and probably have that chaser effect brain chemistry.

ive just harvested my last grow got about 15 ounces , think im going to hang up my green gloves and put away ph pens and call it a day

4 months £200 electric, time , patience

i sat in the room and chilled all sunday smoking and scrolling the internet.. weed can really begin to mess with my sense of time i ended up not really coming into my reality until 1am the following day so basically i lost an entire day scrolling and sleeping then waking up at 1 am

weed makes me tired and slow down the day after not terribly makes me think what the hell did i get do last night its only weed . then i just smell that bud and i want to toke again .

i could go on like this for months until ive smoked up all the bud i will then eventually start added booze whisky into this mix. the my decision making gets hazey

i also have a really high tolerance for booze . i cant get drunk

i am probably the more dangerous kind of drunk or stoner because my tolerance is so high i end up smoking and drinking and keep on smoking and drinking. eventually i just disassociate. most people would be off the face slur there words fall over themselves or have emotional break downs at a certain point .

me i dont really change in my demeanor at all i could speak to you like im completely sober . but i continue to chase and chase smoke more weed drink more ..

begin to realise its all just triggering a pattern.

maybe my tolerance is too high for me to enjoy and not become lack of a better word "an addict"

im not an addict but because i got adhd and high tolerance i believe i have this chaser effect which when you finally clean up take a few days smoke free you begin to speed up mentally and begin to question your decision making

i dont know something about weed sends me down a path of weird thinking patterns. i go deep into my self conscious i get hung up on things i dont even really know exist or not or wether its just an altered state of perception i find it somewhat addictive though but also somewhat destructive.
Dude we got ADHD your always gonna think a million things a hour the good the bad and the random we always overthink things often to the point it drives u nuts be it stoned or not but if you feel it's a negative thing then yes take a break from the weed I'm the opposite weed is my ADHD meds I don't do ritalin or adderal plus I like it to say otherwise would be a lie but if I felt it was a negative influence on my life id stop the thing to remember is weed and drink and most drugs can amplify what your feeling be it good or bad idk about the rest of your situation so i can only comment on the cannabis bit hope it helps and you get what im trying to say mate
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