whats your preference


Active Member
i know this thread has prolly been posted a million times before but just curious to see what you guys's preferred smoking method is

personally i prefer a bowl for some good shit as it seems to give the best flavour
and a bong for the shwagg b/c it kind makes it taste a little better

havent tried a vape yet too fuckin expensive

maybe when im ready to harves ill spend the money i would spent on weed and buy one

post pics of ur utensils


Well-Known Member
damn, those probably taste very good.

I like everything. What I have right now is a pipe and a gravity bong, but I really want a bubbler.

I'll be smoking a blunt of my homegrown this afternoon though!!! /excited :-D


Well-Known Member
Since we're talking about Vapes. Are there any products better than a Volcano or at least comparable?


Active Member
Since we're talking about Vapes. Are there any products better than a Volcano or at least comparable?
The one I have is the mount fuji its like the volcanoes little brother and is about half the price. Other than thet the volcanoe is one of a kind and there is nothing better!!:!: