What's Your Stance on Music?


Active Member
ahhh gotta love the trailer park boyz !!!!

been listening to a lot of acoustic stuff lately ... I play guitar and have a tendancy to listen to what ever I'm into learning at the time and Iv'e been an acoustic kick lately
Acoustic is amazing, been on a bit of buzz of that myself lately

Like this song for instance, All Within My Hands from St Anger was rubbish as was most of that album IMO, but arranged acoustically like this is amazing

One another note I am pretty baked and a lil philosophical



Well-Known Member
Music itself is perhaps the most universal language besides math, far more diverse though,it conveys understanding yet baffles the untrained ear or the closed mind.No matter what a person listens to,it is in my opinion a link to other states of mind or perspectives.It provokes new ways of thinking new thought patterns it all depends on the listener.
Personaly Metal and classical are my fav.Yet i will listen to anything and find perspective in it, especialy when it is well composed music.

heir proctor

New Member
The whole idea that music is subjective is in itself subjective. Taste may be subjective, but quality and competence are objectively objective. Taste in music can say a lot about a person's personality and intelligence despite what you may want to believe.

Gary Busey

New Member
Anyone heard any of Matt and Trey's new musical? Touch to innaprpriate to send my dear mother but fuck if some of the lyrics don't have me gaggin for air :D
You mean the Book of Mormon musical? I hear it's brilliant. The Mormons aren't too thrilled with it but.. oh well. Can't please everyone. :D
I now have an excuse to go to New York.



Well-Known Member
WOW! Thanks for the sneak peek of Mormon! Now I have to try and pirate the rest..
I make my own music so that I have something to listen to that is what I want to hear.. :)
I have written over 100 songs now..


Well-Known Member
Music is a huge part of my life,so much that we've built a dedicated audiophile/studio quality listening room in our home & invested heavily in a top of the line Mcintosh high powered quad system,the room doubles as our smoking lounge.

I spend between 4 to 12 hours a day in casual listening with a few hours a week in critical listening.

My tastes are mainly modern jazz,fusion jazz & modern classical,i grew up in the 60's & was fortunate enough to see all the great monster groups from the 60's & 70's in person so i still have a fondness for music of that era but i strongly prefer music that requires extreme technical proficiency.

For me most mainstream music has no soul,no real value other than quick entertainment,for me music is supposed to spark emotion & stir the soul,make one reflect as well as rejoice,the one & only current "bands" i have any respect for are the Dave Mathews band,those guys write some seriously beautiful music.

The other current band is Zappa plays Zappa,Dweezil Zappa put together a band of young musicians with extreme technical skill,its awe inspiring to watch those kids go from playing a Zappa classic like Dirty Love & go directly into Brahms ,Bach or a Behtoven symphony peice.

For me modern music has done serious damage to what being a musician is all about,its not based on creative writing,skilled musicianship or vocal ability anymore,music has become all about image vs skill.

Rapp music has done serious damage to an entire generations ability to scrutinize what they are listening to ( critical listening),most rap stars cant read or write music or even play a musical instrument at much more than beginner levels at best,its became all about tough guy ghetto thug image & foul tough language that the public wants to hear & no account for the lack of musical content within the music.

If we are being literal most rapp does not fit the definition of music,most rapp is spoken word not music in the standard sense of definition.

To each his own though,if you enjoy rapp & it makes you happy hearing it than it has done its job,i just dont want to be forced to hear others droning 2-4 beat rumbeling the trunk lid from bass at serious levels of distortion,this alone is what makes non rap fans disrespect the genre,most who listen have no respect for others right to relaxation.


Well-Known Member
heh.. ya - if your music has to have its bass amplified +115db to be entertaining then something is wrong... :neutral::-?


Well-Known Member
heh.. ya - if your music has to have its bass amplified +115db to be entertaining then something is wrong... :neutral::-?
I hear ya there,i have neighbors 2 doors down who spoil the livin shit out of their punk son,i hate that kid, 91 lbs soaking wet,pants around his ankles,hat on all sideways with a jersey that would fit a pro ball player,trying his hardest to put a hard ghetto look on his dumb face,all the while growing up deep in the burbs.

This kids 17 yrs old,has a lexus with a bunch of subs in the trunk,he blasts that bs with the trunk vibrating so hard i think the trunks gonna pop open,he drives up & down the street every day & night blasting gangster rap & lookin hard,i try to spray him with the hose when im watering the lawn.

One day i broke out my db meter & took a reading from my porch while he was washing his car with all doors & the trunk wide open,it came up at 91 db which is screaming loud,the next morning when i left for work at 4 am i rode the panhead to work,its got 2" shot gun drags for exhaust,i let it idle right in their driveway until every light in the house came on,that old bike had their windows rattling & car alarms going off,when they all came flying out i told them i'd see them after work & split.

I went back that evening & explained to the father just how miserable his son makes the entire neighborhood with that loud ass crap & that he could expect the harley davidson wake up call every morning unless it stopped,that was the last time we ever spoke but the street is quiet again,the little shit rolls out now with the stereo off cause he knows he'll be paid back.

I just dont remember any other generation having so little respect for their own neighbors to where they blast them out every time they come or go,my sons never acted like that when they lived at home & if they did i woulda put an instant stop to it.

Rapp wouldnt be so bad if everybody didnt have it rammed down their throats everywhere they went,even at home chillin out,thats why i despise rap,because of how it makes people act.

Gary Busey

New Member
I wanna see if I can't find a video I can download of the entire play, I've heard all the songs, and it is something definitely worth seeing, at least on video.


WOW! Thanks for the sneak peek of Mormon! Now I have to try and pirate the rest..
I make my own music so that I have something to listen to that is what I want to hear.. :)
I have written over 100 songs now..
It should be like this. I think music is an extension of the human soul. Whether it be some music group, a killer thrash band slow and soulful jazz, or even some hick-sounding tune. I like it very much.


Well-Known Member
Art is preferential. Some people prefer the colour blue to red, meat to vegan cuisine, shorts to pants, etc., etc.

I knew a kid that believed you shouldn't listen to a certain type of music unless you dress that way. Didn't hang w/ him too long. lol but lots of people, execpt the considerate and respectful, judge others for their differences and music is no different.

And then theres usually the people that say they don't judge and then end up doing it the most.. like this guy lol
My stance on music is that most of it is crap. That crap sells and that crap isn't going anywhere. It's here to stay and nobody can do a thing about it.

I don't judge a person by what music they listen to but it might determine how often I visit. Most of the time, I would just rather have silence. When Eminem leads in CD sales for the year, I'll take the silence any day of the week

I realized the other day that pretty much ALL of my music, excluding some instrumental electronic dub and whatnot, has messages of either raising awareness to issues that need to be talked about, present solutions to problems, or critically criticize something. Not just sayin' it's shit; And that's that. but go further and say why it is that way... from their perspective.

But you cant say that for people who listen to mainstream, which i do think is basic, because the people who listen to that "crap" as you would put it AREN'T musicians and for the most part cannot/dont want to grasp technical and complicated beats/compositions. And besides if you can make a massive chart topping song using simplicity, congrats. job well done. now for the opposite to happen...