woah woah woah...chill, have a dooby. i was asking you where you were coming from, not insulting you. dont insult me either kthx.hmm lets see, looking back at the genocide of native americans relating to the trail of tears and wounded knee, its pretty safe to say that the government dosent like us. Lookin at the realization, if a native moves off the res, they always end up having to pay more taxes for some reason or another, its cute. Thats the whole reason they have reservations, they make it affordable for a native to live there, they just want us out of their hair. Where im from, which would be the mohawk reservation in massena NY, people around here dont exactly get along with natives either, which makes it hard to move outta here, and because of all the drugs that are smuggled through here from canada, cops harass the fuck out of us if we get off the res. Now, im not sure if you were trying to insult my intelligence or catch me in a lie.. but regardless of that fact, i never said i was a thug, all i said was that i live in an area that isnt all that wealthy, we never came out of the first recession.. so people are poor, people are desperate, and peopel will do anything to make a dollar. Now whether you believe anything i told you dosent mean shit to me.. and just because i live in a poverty stricken area, dosent mean im unintelligent, it just means that i live by a different set of rules, as im sure you do, and as im sure everybody else does. You are a product of your environment, my environment happens to be a non idealistic one.. so.. like i said.. this thread isnt about me, its about pac.. so why dont you fuck off and quit grillin me?
again.. PEACE
You do realize that the speach you just gave there was one of the saddest things alot of people have ever read,including me.Ignorance at its best ^^
Lol wow, that was a dick comment, but we will go with it. Yet the ignorance overcomes.. and yeah, come on up to where im from, head up to the mohawk res.. watch how far down the street you get before you get mugged or shot at.. ive youve got anything of value or anything that looks nice, its gonna get taken if your alone, if your drivin a new car your gonna get your shit fucked up just because they dont care, the mindset around the res is "oh hey, look at this bitch.. got a nice new car, wouldnt it be a shame if something happened to it *bam* *bam*".. because they dont want your shit to be nicer than theirs.. maybe you dont like the way things work around here or anywhere else thats in the same situation, neither do i, but what do you want to do about it. The cold hard truth "kill or be killed". Nobody gives a fuck about what you do and dont approve of.. when it comes down to it, you got something they want and they will do whatever they have to to get it.. cops dont chill at the res.. you drive in and its spray painted over the "welcome" sign in big red letters "THERE IS NO LAW BEYOND THIS POINT".. fuck, Southside snye.. if you arent native, you arent comin back.. i live in one of the largest drug smuggling hubs in the country.. Im not tryin to be a dick, but you gotta realise that you are probably in a completely different situation than a lot of other people.. dont tell us we are ignorant because its gotten to the point of where people have to strap up to feel safe.. dont tell us to "just buy a bus ticket".. if we could afford to move we prolly wouldnt be livin in the slums??.. dont be narrow minded, its darwinism.. survival of the fittest baby..
sounds like...Lt.Jg Snake Pliskin is at it again! Escape from LA/NY Stylie.You do realize that the speach you just gave there was one of the saddest things alot of people have ever read,including me.
I simply cant imagine that any sane adult would ever be ok with living in a situation like you describe.
you mighta missed the whole fact that it was a reservation.. we can afford to live on the reservation because natives dont have to pay taxes and get pretty big breaks as long as they are on the res, if we move off the reservation land, we dont get any breaks what so ever.. its the governments way of keeping us secluded from the rest of the country.. sorry if you dont approve of the way shit works around here, but thats the life. People are goin nuts about the recession.. man come up to northern NY, youll get the picture.. we never came outta the last one
how can someone "know" that your opinion on tupac is true?I think tupac is was 1 of the best rappers ever. i hate when they put him and biggie smalls in the same sentence. He was way better than biggie ever was. If you dont like hip hop you shouldnt even comment but if your a fan of that music you know tupac is one the best that ever did it.
Nobody other than you said it was "a fact".Did you get that definition out of the dictionnary?Get a life.how can someone "know" that your opinion on tupac is true?
you can THINK he was good, and thats fine, but you cant KNOW.
a fact is defined as something that is true, something that actually exists, or something having objective reality that can be verified according to an established standard of evaluation
An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something which it is impossible to verify the truth of.
further more:
"If i dont move off the res i run the high risk of being shot/stabbed/robbed on a daily basis in this town with no law.
If i move, no more tax breaks....*buys bottle of booze*....
god knows there's only two things certain in life in the states. death and taxes, and we're gettin a break on the taxes part, so who cares if its adding more risk to the death column."
wtf are you talkin about? nobody is sayin that they have to KILL people to survive, or fallow the gangsta path but i garentee all thoes ppl that are just common ppl in the hood, they carry protection on them because you never know what might happen. who are you to say whats right and whats wrong. i come from the hood and it aint easy at all. workin a 9-5 just to keep the lights on and watching your back cuz there are other dudes who what what you got. and damn right if a dude roll up to me on sum shit imma handle my business. i was taught that, im not gunna sit there and be like "omg plz don't rob me" cuz whoes to say he or she aint gunna kill yo ass after they jack you. in the past i had to shoot somebody, i wassnt proud of it. i didnt glorify it. actually this is the first time i told anybody, but it was somthin i had to do to protect my life. how can you judge somebody that come from a diffrient world than you. im assumein u aint from the hood and if u aint what the fuck do u kno about it? tupac never glorified killin peoiple he was rappin about his life. he was a story teller. he told the story for people who never had to live the life he lived so that other ppl would realize, damn, life can get much harder so u gotta grind to keep what chu got. its just that simple man.BS. you don't NEED to carry a gun to survive.many have made it without going down that path. regardless of where they lived. "oh poor me, i live in the ghetto. i have to kill people to survive." you wish. lolololol
very well saidIgnorance at its best ^^
Lol wow, that was a dick comment, but we will go with it. Yet the ignorance overcomes.. and yeah, come on up to where im from, head up to the mohawk res.. watch how far down the street you get before you get mugged or shot at.. ive youve got anything of value or anything that looks nice, its gonna get taken if your alone, if your drivin a new car your gonna get your shit fucked up just because they dont care, the mindset around the res is "oh hey, look at this bitch.. got a nice new car, wouldnt it be a shame if something happened to it *bam* *bam*".. because they dont want your shit to be nicer than theirs.. maybe you dont like the way things work around here or anywhere else thats in the same situation, neither do i, but what do you want to do about it. The cold hard truth "kill or be killed". Nobody gives a fuck about what you do and dont approve of.. when it comes down to it, you got something they want and they will do whatever they have to to get it.. cops dont chill at the res.. you drive in and its spray painted over the "welcome" sign in big red letters "THERE IS NO LAW BEYOND THIS POINT".. fuck, Southside snye.. if you arent native, you arent comin back.. i live in one of the largest drug smuggling hubs in the country.. Im not tryin to be a dick, but you gotta realise that you are probably in a completely different situation than a lot of other people.. dont tell us we are ignorant because its gotten to the point of where people have to strap up to feel safe.. dont tell us to "just buy a bus ticket".. if we could afford to move we prolly wouldnt be livin in the slums??.. dont be narrow minded, its darwinism.. survival of the fittest baby..
nobody is sayin it aint better. im sure if he could move he would. but maybe he can't afford it. and in the hood you can get handme down comps. and if not a computer is like 300 dollars enough saving can get u one. c'mon man its the 21st century, everybody got one, even hommies in tha hood.sounds to me like your lost in the game, a bus ticket aint shit you cant afford a bus ticket, a motel room and to get a job somwhere you and your family can atleast be safe?
I would rather live in a car with my family than subject them to crap ass neiborhood like yours. But then if this place is so messed up, u seem to be doin ok typin away on your computer? what gives?
I understand what your saying its fun to be thugish and be a big boy. but big boys get shot up thats why all thier little brothers are wearing baggy clothes
and dont get me wrong i personally prefer baggy clothes, but I dont live in the slums of Atlanta anymore, and guess what? its much nicer not havin to chase down little bitch thugs to get my car back cuz they robbed me. Its much better when your next door niebor doesnt show up at your doorstep with bloody shoes from stompin on his brother out for trying to stop his mom from smoking the crack that hes sellin to her
much better than having your partner shot in the neck cuz some dumbass kid doesnt know how to hold a gun correctly
much better than seeing countless pussy ass bitches slappin thier gurls around cuz they think its cool
no thanks partner ill stay here with friends I can trust dope i can puff and gurls I can crush without gettin pre-nups
but for real why would u live somwhere like that unless u were big time servin the crack heads?
wheres the incentive?
most people end up leaveing except the drug addicted and thier suppliers
thats like me saying hay im moving to afghan and then complaining that I have no choice but to become a strapped killer. that fact is you do have a choice, why are u living in a shithole where you gotta worry about gettin ass raped and shot at?
wtf are you talkin about? nobody is sayin that they have to KILL people to survive, or fallow the gangsta path but i garentee all thoes ppl that are just common ppl in the hood, they carry protection on them because you never know what might happen. who are you to say whats right and whats wrong. i come from the hood and it aint easy at all. workin a 9-5 just to keep the lights on and watching your back cuz there are other dudes who what what you got. and damn right if a dude roll up to me on sum shit imma handle my business. i was taught that, im not gunna sit there and be like "omg plz don't rob me" cuz whoes to say he or she aint gunna kill yo ass after they jack you. in the past i had to shoot somebody, i wassnt proud of it. i didnt glorify it. actually this is the first time i told anybody, but it was somthin i had to do to protect my life. how can you judge somebody that come from a diffrient world than you. im assumein u aint from the hood and if u aint what the fuck do u kno about it? tupac never glorified killin peoiple he was rappin about his life. he was a story teller. he told the story for people who never had to live the life he lived so that other ppl would realize, damn, life can get much harder so u gotta grind to keep what chu got. its just that simple man.
nobody is sayin it aint better. im sure if he could move he would. but maybe he can't afford it. and in the hood you can get handme down comps. and if not a computer is like 300 dollars enough saving can get u one. c'mon man its the 21st century, everybody got one, even hommies in tha hood.
apparently once you're hood, you're hood for life.If you can save for a computer you can save for a better life.
this is whats wrong with the world today. everyone is afraid of some good old fashion entertainment. it's sad really.Lmao. I think I'm gonna go to my friend's house smoke a blunt and suggest we watch Annie. $20 says they laugh at me.