When and how to harvest a male for pollen?


Active Member
oh happy day. I just found out my last plant is a girl tonight. So I've got 2 guys and 2 gals now. All have been accounted for, so on to the next issue!

So I'm pretty sure I have 2 strains on my hands. It's bag seed, and when I got it, it was separated already into two bags. One was pretty amazing stuff, the other, just so so. Sadly, I just threw all the seeds in a bag then a few months later decided to grow it, so I have no idea whats what anymore. Whats kinda cool though is after the plants matured I can totally tell the difference in the plants. Whats even better is the sexes are split even.

Now, I want to breed the plants to get seed off the first generation of plants (I don't have a supply of seed, plus, I'm prone to fuck ups). But I want to keep the strains totally separate. I've got the two males under a 125 Watt CFL now and they seem happy. Their pollen sacks are filling very nicely. The females are in the flowering box. I know I can kill the males and store the pollen, but when and how do I do this? Is there a good sign as to when the pollen is "ripe"? How do I store it etc...

The females I could probably just douse with pollen in a different room. Is there anyway I can "stick" the pollen to a plant (misting it after wards maybe?) so it wont cross pollinate? At what point in the flowering stage do I pollinate them?

Arg, too many questions!


Search for breeding seeds, theres a massive post on it, afaik you cut the sacks off soonish put them in a jar, burst them open and use a little paint brush to dab on some pollen, only do one set of braches, you should get plenty off that.


Active Member
oh happy day. I just found out my last plant is a girl tonight. So I've got 2 guys and 2 gals now. All have been accounted for, so on to the next issue!

So I'm pretty sure I have 2 strains on my hands. It's bag seed, and when I got it, it was separated already into two bags. One was pretty amazing stuff, the other, just so so. Sadly, I just threw all the seeds in a bag then a few months later decided to grow it, so I have no idea whats what anymore. Whats kinda cool though is after the plants matured I can totally tell the difference in the plants. Whats even better is the sexes are split even.

Now, I want to breed the plants to get seed off the first generation of plants (I don't have a supply of seed, plus, I'm prone to fuck ups). But I want to keep the strains totally separate. I've got the two males under a 125 Watt CFL now and they seem happy. Their pollen sacks are filling very nicely. The females are in the flowering box. I know I can kill the males and store the pollen, but when and how do I do this? Is there a good sign as to when the pollen is "ripe"? How do I store it etc...

The females I could probably just douse with pollen in a different room. Is there anyway I can "stick" the pollen to a plant (misting it after wards maybe?) so it wont cross pollinate? At what point in the flowering stage do I pollinate them?

Arg, too many questions!
i'm new to growing myself but my dads been doing it for as long as i can remember his method may be a little old school but this is what he does. Clip the pollen sacks "BALLS" off place them in a zip bag put them in the fridge for a week or so take them out occasionally and shake em up. When your ready to polenate one of your girls chose a lower bud on the one of the bottom branches be very careful as you put your bag over the branch covering the bud take some rubber bands and close the bag tight be sure it closed as best u can without rupturing the stem of your plant and shake the bag gently pollenating the bud youll have some healthy seeds in no time there may be a better way though who knows