When can i introduce nutes?


Well-Known Member
I also got alaska nutes

Fish fertalizer and morbloom
its 5-1-1

Anyone know if i can start feeding?

And how much should i feed?


Active Member
It would be ok to start now but start to feed when the new plant shoots start to yellow to be on the safe side. Start with at least half of what the instructions say to feed. I would start with 1/4 of the recommended dosage. Two weeks later switch to 1/2.


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow soil already has nutrients it that are released when you water.

You don't need to add more yet. I would wait until its in its second or 3rd week, then slowly start adding nutrients, at 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow soil already has nutrients it that are released when you water.

You don't need to add more yet. I would wait until its in its second or 3rd week, then slowly start adding nutrients, at 1/4 strength.
This soil is from last season though

and its organic does that mean it still has nutes?


Active Member
I added nutes into the aeroponic system on day 1... at full strentgh

So far they're growing and stretching a bit TOO fast, lol, but it seems ok


Well-Known Member
I decided to throw in a very low dose and see what happened..

Nothing but good came out of it.

So im going to do a 1/4 strength dose next watering