When can you put seedling/clones into a mini dwc?

After the seeds are placed into rockwool cubes that have been adjusted to 5.5 ph. Do you place them into a mini dwc as soon as the root has poked threw the bottom of the cube? Or should you wait longer?

Please help I am new and very confused.
Thanks for the help.

I'm just worried because I planted 5 seeds a few days ago and got them all to sprout in rockwool cubes and placed in a tray with a dome. Shortly after growing an inch and a half the stems of 3 of the new sprouts started to become weak. Two of them are dead now so I decided to pick up the cubes of the remaining 3 to check if the roots grew out under the cubes and they did. Two of the 3 look good, they are nice and green and they have leaves starting. The other one looks a little stunted but still green.

I just don't understand why they we're thriving at first and now they are stunting and dying.

I thought at first the two started to die because it might be my 60 watt 6400k bulb that was only 6-7 inches away so I moved it up to 11 inches. (It did get a little warm and could dry out the cubes if I left them for longer then 10 hours and didn't mist the dome but not anything like a hps/mh)

Then the first one died so I thought maybe they weren't getting air exchange because of the dome. So I opened the little holes in the dome to let some air in while I was away.

Then the second one died. So then today I decided to check the bottom of the remaining live cubes and all but one of them has a root poking throuh. So now I decided that I might just need to get the remaining live cubes into my mini dwc in hopes to keep them alive.

Did the roots just start growing out in the tray for to long?

Or did misting them twice a day and keeping the cubes just wet enough in the dome so they didn't dry out cause over watering?

I really ned help, thank you all for constructive feedback. I really need the help or I fear more will die! Please help.