when do I bring indoor plants outside?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if the shock from 18/6 to the current lighting outside right now will trigger flowering? When is the best time to make this transition?


Well-Known Member
last year I put them out around this time from an 18/6 and they still went into flower so this year I've been tapering mine .5 hours a day so that its alot closer to whats actually outside. Hopefully this stops them form going into flower this year.


Well-Known Member
I've had mine out for about two weeks now no sign of flowering. I just cover em with sheets on the colder nights.


Well-Known Member
I start them from seed in March or April, I keep them indoors for 3-4 weeks, then take them outside. Even though daylight outside is 13 hours and indoors I have them 18/6, it doesn't cause any problems. The first two nights you might see a little stretch but that's about it. The plants seem to release that each day is getting longer and longer and they just go with it.


Well-Known Member
I start them from seed in March or April, I keep them indoors for 3-4 weeks, then take them outside. Even though daylight outside is 13 hours and indoors I have them 18/6, it doesn't cause any problems. The first two nights you might see a little stretch but that's about it. The plants seem to release that each day is getting longer and longer and they just go with it.

So are you putting you plants outside about now? I just don't want to put them out too early.


Well-Known Member
It's best to wait until your days are 14:15-14:30 long to be safe. In my area most people wait until may 15.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info guys! If I have to put them out a little earlier do you think id be ok turning on a light bulb and hanging it over the plants for a couple hours at night?