When do I take a clone from a clone, what stage of growth does the clone need to be..


I don't want to use mothers in a SOG, so when would I take a clone from a clone? Does the clone need to be a certain age before I can take a clipping? I'll have approximately 20 plants growing and will cut about 25 clones from them, so I need to know at what stage of growth those clones need to be in order to get good clones from them. Thanks for any help.


Active Member
I would say as long as you have let the main clones get a decent set of roots, you can take clones from it if it has branches big enough to clone. Vegetative stage is when you want to take clones. You can take them pretty much at any point in the plant's life, but if they are flowering they will have to reveg.


Thanks for your input. I know that from seeds the plant has to reach maturity to clone, and I wanted to make sure when to snip from a clone. If you take a clone from a mature plant that was grown from seed I would assume that the clone already is mature and that it could be cloned once it has a strong root system and the foliage like you said.


Well-Known Member
Basically you need a branch with at least 4 nodes on it to clone. This could be as little as 2 weeks or as long as 6. True sog is 12/12 after 1 week of veg after roots so it is hard to clone. But can be done. I would realy think about a mother. And clones should be 2-6 inches long. The smaller they are the harder it will be to live.


Well-Known Member
When you are taking a clone from another clone, the most important variable is the age of the donor.
I did a number of experiments trying to see how fast I could turn over a generation. Basically, how
quickly I could get a young clone to give off viable clonettes?

Working with Kushage, KSG, a strain I know well, I took clones from 6-week old mothers, 5-week old
mothers, etc. Result -- clone mothers need to be at least 4 weeks old to give up reliably viable clones.
I got a few to root from 3 1/2 week-old clones but they were almost all scraggly with just a single blade
of new growth. I had good results from 4-5 weeks old and best results from moms over 6 weeks old.

Hope that helps someone.


Active Member
Thanks for your input. I know that from seeds the plant has to reach maturity to clone, and I wanted to make sure when to snip from a clone.
I find it better to get clones before the mother is mature, so to say. I would rather have opposing nodes than alternating nodes on my new clone. Makes it so you are basically working with a small plant from seed, as far as topping or LST. But I don't keep a mother, so my clones usually are taken within about 4 weeks from seed.


Well-Known Member
Should of read the whole question....

Best time to take clones is near the end of veg stage. Reason is that older cuttings do better and it takes
a while for a mom to get big enough to generate clonable-size branches. You want to take your cuttings
with an eye towards what the mother plant is doing. The cutting is just an extension of the mom and will
have the same growing impulses as the rest of the plant. The most important thing you want a cutting to
do is to sprout roots. A plant in full flower mode isn't thinking about growing roots. So you take your cutting
when the mother is doing what you want the clone to do.

To be honest I cheat. You can take clones from moms who have been at 12/12 for maybe up to a week. They
are still growing but haven't shifted from veg to flower mode yet. You can tell because there are no buds or
real sex signs yet. So I benefit from having slightly larger clones due to the extra week or so growing. But if
you wait too long, you are in for a LONG WAIT. Like an exra month of wait. Once a plant starts to flower you
are weeks away from inducing a natural veg mode. Usually a month. So, get 'em before they flower.

Good luck, BigSteve. Presently with 9 clones waiting to root - 2 BuKu and 7 GigaBud. Anyone else notice the BuKu
takes a long time to root?