When do you get a soul??


Well-Known Member
All that blabber and you still never answered my question lol What is it that you gain, Heis? Who benefits from your arguments against the logic of spirituality and theism?
Many people read through these threads, far more than those who actually participate in them. Some of these non-posting lurkers are receiving new information and concepts from our posts, and may be in the process of forming/reforming their own beliefs. It would be a shame if all they got to read was a bunch of groundless, irrational, unopposed bullshit. I, for one, get a good feeling inserting some rationality and actual facts and knowledge into the mix, esp. when the BS meter gets into the red zone. I feel that this way, these people get to look at both sides and I'm confident that the rational bits will stand out among the fuzzy, feel good 'Let's all play make believe' concepts asserted as truth. To paraphrase a great thinker, 'All that is necessary for the triumph of bullshit is that rational men to do nothing...'


Well-Known Member
"Who benefits from your arguments against the logic of spirituality and theism?"

I could turn that right around, but I won't. I'll just say, really, there is no such thing as theo-logic. There is logic and there is theism.

Those that claim expertise in the the theological line are attempting, (improperly, imo,) to apply frail, human logic to a question that is by definition beyond thinking mind, and thus completely beyond logic.


Well-Known Member
All that blabber and you still never answered my question lol What is it that you gain, Heis? Who benefits from your arguments against the logic of spirituality and theism?
The better question would seem to be who isn't benefiting from my commentary, of which the numbers seem to be restricted to only you. At least you are the only one complaining, the same way you complain about anything ever said that you don't agree with. Most of the things you say are stupid, and rather than refine your stance and better represent your views, you just want others to stop pointing out that it's stupid. Very few people have called you a stupid person, just your arguments and style. Most of us have refrained from personal attacks on you because rather than celebrate your stupidity, we want to help you overcome it, so we try to guide. Your attitude and bigot glasses cause you to see this as arrogant mocking, which it eventually turns into out of exasperation on our part.

To mis-remember a Sagan quote, Every question is a cry for understanding, an attempt for a person to understand their world and their place in it. We do not mock you for simply wanting to understand your world and yourself. All of us try to, and all of us get it wrong, very wrong, at least sometimes. Life is a vast, unintuitive and confusing struggle. If not for the benefit of wisdom and recorded memory, we would not get far on our quest for security and comfort. Confusion and error would rule, and we would spend most of our life in a fog of futility. This is the key to transitioning from the shallow end of life into deeper waters. Without a moral compass to guide, without principals and conviction to give you integrity, you will get lost at sea and torn apart by the waves. If your only integrity comes from the facade of pretending to have answers and understanding, you are gonna drown, and to break the analogy, what I mean is, you are going to spend life being a burden to others, delegating your hardships to loved ones, and eventually die unhappy and alone, never fully realizing the true beauty of life or of your own mind. This is how most of us view the situation around here, and what you see as arrogance attacks from a high horse are actually compassionate attempts to help overcomes life's struggle.

I don't understand how you can exist being okay with prejudice, since you obviously understand the concept when it comes to native americans. You are certainly capable of logical and articulate thought, yet you seem to have no interest what so ever in applying that scrutiny to yourself, and behave quite irrationally when others do it for you. I can understand if you just don't want to hear it, but you seem to want to be listened to. From what I can gather you want to be able to speak your opinion unopposed and without honest review, but in reality, what happens is you just ask others to listen to you regurgitate the opinions and information you've heard elsewhere and identified with, and like a spoiled coddled child you don't want to hear any deconstruction that could make you feel conflicted, because, wading in the kiddie pool as you do, you do not know how to handle deeper waters. You respond the only way your unsorted, confused and disorganized mind knows how, which is to go on the attack, and quite frankly, the attacks themselves are quite disorganized and sloppy, because again, you've never bothered to form your own opinion, so you do not know how to defend the things you say. You will go through life learning only the things you want to learn, which since you have not taken the time to shape and convict your values, amounts to subjects which arouse mental masturbation. It's mindful self indulgence that will leave you lost and scared when life decides for you that you are not a child anymore.

When someone attacks the opinions I have, I do not get scared or self conscious at all. That is because I am not just repeating some stuff that sounded cool and kinda made sense, I am telling you the views I have arrived at after careful thought, and because I have been careful and exhaustive in examining my own beliefs, I can easily knock down your arguments against them. I do not need to result to invalid appeals and desperate attacks, and nether do you if you would simply be conscientious about the things you say. That does not mean changing your views to fit mine, it simply means examining your views, understanding what they are and why you arrived at them, and being able to explain it. One of the ways you do this is to explain your view and listen to others who have had different experiences and exposures than you, and adjust accordingly. During the times I find I am unable to defend something I say, I do not react like a drunk rodeo clown to distract others from the mistake. I see it as a chance to refine my views and make them more ironclad than before. That's what I did here, and that is why I get respect, and likes, and why I know I can count on my own inner convictions to get me through the horrible parts of life. Not only can I tread deeper waters, I can swim through storms and turbulence to reach the only destination which truly brings contentment, personal fulfillment.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Ah so you didn't really want an answer. You were simply presenting the question for the ad hominem value, and nothing more.
Nah I knew your answer, you just needed a day or two to think of a different answer that doesnt have to do with self satisfaction. Because really, self satisfaction is all that comes out of your responses. No theist (except Hep) has ever benefited from what you know-it-alls have to say. Your input on spiritual discussions only benefits yourself and your ego to further convince yourself that you have a better grasp on reality than theists do. Self satisfaction and pointless, endless arguments are the results of your input. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Nah I knew your answer, you just needed a day or two to think of a different answer that doesnt have to do with self satisfaction. Because really, self satisfaction is all that comes out of your responses. No theist (except Hep) has ever benefited from what you know-it-alls have to say. Your input on spiritual discussions only benefits yourself and your ego to further convince yourself that you have a better grasp on reality than theists do. Self satisfaction and pointless, endless arguments are the results of your input. Nothing more.
How would you know this? Seems silly to assume that every theist who reads these threads feel as you do. Besides, even if other theists don't benefit, I'm sure many others do. I agree with your point that it feels good to defend reason and rationality, it may feel similar to how good you feel attempting to spread your inane bullshit and playground imaginings. Or is your own motive not ego fulfillment and self satisfaction? Do you really imagine that you are sharing valuable knowledge that will improve people's lives and the state of the world? Come to think of it, I bet you do. Infinitely amusing...


Well-Known Member
I'm diggin' the new avatars fellas
I was thinking the same thing last week. Saw Hep and a couple others morph, then got a little scared after I read an insightful Heis post and glanced up at the new avatar. Just went through the last of some long drama in court, and feel so much lighter. It's like seeing the world through rose-colored glasses ;)


Well-Known Member
Nah I knew your answer, you just needed a day or two to think of a different answer that doesnt have to do with self satisfaction. Because really, self satisfaction is all that comes out of your responses. No theist (except Hep) has ever benefited from what you know-it-alls have to say. Your input on spiritual discussions only benefits yourself and your ego to further convince yourself that you have a better grasp on reality than theists do. Self satisfaction and pointless, endless arguments are the results of your input. Nothing more.
So you reject the words that you didn't read in favor of more ad hominem ammo. Such is the privilege of living inside the bubble I guess.

If you already knew the answer, then why did you ask, twice, if not for the attack contained within?