When do you start counting the days of flowering?


Active Member
The plant in question vegged for 30 days, no preflowers were shown. I flipped the lights to 12/12 on the 1st of August. She didn't show sex until after 2 weeks of 12/12 lighting. So would you count that as flowering for 2 weeks or flowering since I switched to 12/12? The reason I ask is because I've been on 12/12 lighting for about a month now and all the pictures I've seen of plants 4 weeks in to flower are way ahead of mine.


Active Member
I think you all are missing the point lol. I am not worried about counting so to speak but I was just comparing my plant to others. My plant is not as far a long as a plant that is "4 weeks" in to flower. Thats why I was wondering if the majority of people, when they title their pictures, if they are counting from changing to 12/12 or when they first see a pistol.


Well-Known Member
Count from the time you see the FIRST PISTIL(S).After which is prob gonna be 4-14 weeks depending on the strain but most 8-9 weeks from first pistils.


Well-Known Member
i don't count. i harvest when ripe
Exactly and once again right on the money. You the man! But it is nice to know an apx time frame if one runs into problems and has to ask a question here or elsewhere. I count the day I deceide to switch the lights just so I have a record.


Well-Known Member
I have always started counting from when I switch but I also am counting for no reason other than to count. I estimate 65 to 75 days for a cycle and that usually is right on for me but everyone has there own ways of doing things count it out any way you want just know that it could take more or less time, too many variables


Well-Known Member
I dont truly count.. i just wait til ready. But i DO alawys know at least roughly around when I put into flower.. Forget the exact days though it don't matter much unless you a researcher or breeder


Well-Known Member
I count days of 12/12 starting from 1. When to harvest? When it's ready. Counting for that doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
I have always started counting from when I switch but I also am counting for no reason other than to count. I estimate 65 to 75 days for a cycle and that usually is right on for me but everyone has there own ways of doing things count it out any way you want just know that it could take more or less time, too many variables


Also, environment can speed or slow flowering. Cold temps can add two + weeks.
I just put an red asterisk on my calendar the day I switch to 12/12. There are almost always hairs showing at that point, especially if you go from clone.
starting from seed is way different than starting from clone.


I count when I put a mature clone, even if straight out of the cloner. I know I can harvest, assuming I don't cause stress, between 7 1/2 weeks and 9 weeks with my current strain, every time. But if from seed and no preflowers? Probably best to just not count at all like someone else mentioned and harvest when ripe.