When do you test the PH of your water??


Active Member
Just a thought. Do you guys test the PH of your water before or after you have added your nutrients. Can you also give reasons why.

thanks ;)

george xxx

Active Member
Before and after adding nutes. Its the only way to test for consistent quality of nutes going into soil without the extensive testing most people have no way of doing. If you water from the same jug over a period of time and the ph is fluctuating you need to determine why before it creates a problem.
its a balancing act. nutes will change your PH, but PH up and down will also change your PPM. IMO you cant check your PH often enough. I have found PH to be one of the most important asspects to growing at maximum effencey.


Well-Known Member
testing ph before adding is wasteful. nutes will lower the ph. you start with water, add nutes, then add any additives, then set ph. always. i would like to know what you are using for ph adjusters to make your ppm change. i have 50gal res's, so im not dealing with a few drops of this and that, and i have never seen ppm change with adjusting ph.


Well-Known Member
Always after,but not a lot.I only grow outdoors in soil and soil is usually much more forgiving when it comes to the ph of your solution.


Well-Known Member
Before and after adding nutes. Its the only way to test for consistent quality of nutes going into soil without the extensive testing most people have no way of doing. If you water from the same jug over a period of time and the ph is fluctuating you need to determine why before it creates a problem.
This is the hydro section.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I check once a week after my weekly feeding and topping off my rez. I used to check it all the time, making minor adjustments almost daily until I realized I was wasting my time. My ph is pretty stable and I rarely need to adjust it, as long as its in the 5.5-6.5 range I don't usually adjust it. This also comes with years of experience, until you know how your system will react you should probably check it a few times a week.