when do you?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Ive seen people do it all diffrent times,but I was just wondering, when do you transplant your girls into there actual pots or grow bags? im waiting for awhile till there about 5 inches so there is good root growth any input?:weed:


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I clone into peat pots. Once roots establish they go into 20 oz hempy cups and at 10" they go into 5 gal hempy buckets.


Well-Known Member
as soon as my seeds germinate i place them straight into 1 gallon pots!!
works fine.. and saves stressing the plant


Well-Known Member
my girls are all at diffrent heights. ones about 3.5 inches tall another is 2 inches. and on is about 1 inch tall. and the other is about 1 inch. im not sure about her though. I planted it and the taproot came up. then I put it back under the soil. and she came up 2 days later and now the canopy looks like its stuck to itself I can't explain it. lol. but yeah when do you think I should put them into 5 gallon bags. as they are all diffrent sizes

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Let the plant start alternating nodes (one sign of maturity) and then transplant. The height will differ from one strain to another so alternating nodes is a good time to transplant.


Well-Known Member
they are all same strain and breeder. so I guess ill wait till I see some more nodes? before I put them into the 5 gallons


Well-Known Member
haha oh I have patience lol. I'm just curious to see how long, I dont want to stress them haha


Well Im a first time grower and let me just say I put mine in about a 5gal bucket when it was about 6to7 inches know it's 2 inches shy of 2 ft.


Well-Known Member
I start my seeds off in a small 1 gallon or smaller using the green house method, and then let them grow up for a week or two then put them in some 3 gallons... then if they out grow that I move them in to something bigger