When do'es it smell like bud ? PIC'S


how long do you think, cause i'm lookin through that cheap miro scope from radio shack, and it looks like a third of the Trachoma's are cloudy.


Active Member
im new to this also but from my own research the only way you can kno for sure is to get something to observe the trichs to see if they are turning brownsih-amber from clear when 80% of the trichs are amber then you harvest, idk from the pics at least another 2 weeks i would let them go personally but then again i nvr had a plant in flowering as of yet so good luck


nice read bro, thanks. any one else have a comment. A month Brewer, comon man, i'm in like week 9 of 12/12 light bro. This may be my first successful grow, and i know i have a lot of improvements to make, but i'm not stupid. I really need to know how to use a camera though, lol so i can get good advise.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the photos but yeah that first photo looks far from done. I was told my first batch of clones I got from a guy would finish 'quickly' in 8-9 weeks. It took 12.


wow bro. do you think I should continue the nutes. i'm lookin at them in a microscope man and i'm tellin yea i see trichs all over and a third of them are milky.


Well-Known Member
not positive on this, but i think most of the white hairs will turn orange, dry, and curl in. you could also be growing a strain that observes a longer flowering period?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to give you any definitive advice as it is hard to tell from those photos. The wide shot makes the buds seem heavy and dense and the other 2 seem to show plants at slightly different stages with the last one appearing further along than the first. When I first replied, I had just viewed the first photo and it looks like it needs some time. And you say it doesn't smell? At harvest I can smell my closed room half a block away if the filter isn't connected. Not sure why you aren't noticing any.


Well-Known Member
id say its a strain that requires longer flowering times.cause those dont look done to me. not even in a week.


Well-Known Member
Im a beginner grower myself, but from what i understand, when you look at the trichomes they should pretty much all be milky and atleast a 3rd of them be a orangish amber color before you want to harvest


hell, i thought ak's but now i'm not sure anymore. next time i will be more precise and know what i'm growing and be more precise with the time i do things. thanks for the comp man. next grow i'll have White Widow, Himalayan Gold, Super Silver Haze, got about 20 seeds each.


Well-Known Member
Quite a variety of seeds you got there, they will not be finishing at the same time. The sativas could go up to 14 weeks...

There is a lot of bogus information floating around here about trichs, you harvest when you have ambers. You need to see amber trichs to know that you are finishing up, how much amber is up to you. Clear is too early, and cloudy is no indicator as you can have cloudy trichs for weeks and weeks before maturity.

Use the trichs as a guide in conjunction with the other key indicators, which are: % brown hairs, the calendar, swollen calyxs, and recessed hairs.


Well-Known Member
those plants have another 3-3 1/2 weeks left...i guarantee it...i wont dispute what u see through ur microscope....1/3 of the trichs, may be milky...def possible....but im telling u if i had that plant in my room right now, i would plan on at least another 2-3 at MINIMUM....you will be very pleased u did..i promise you...other than that....+rep on your first "almost" succesful grow...and i only reason i say almost is because the plants not chopped yet...nice work bro...ganj


Well-Known Member
wow bro. do you think I should continue the nutes. i'm lookin at them in a microscope man and i'm tellin yea i see trichs all over and a third of them are milky.

What strain is it? It's obviously a sativa. Pure sativas like sage or haze take 12 to14 weeks to finish. It looks like it could be another 2 weeks minimum. With sativas there are going to be some white hairs still when done. it also depends on the high you like. I'd wait ti you start seeing amber and if the trich's start bending you are passing the window of when to cut them down.