When does one introduce nutes


Well-Known Member
WEll I have MG plant food sticks 6-12-6 (I know everybody hates Miracle grow) and It says to use 4 for one pot of soil, so I used 1. That would be 1/4 i guess something is better than 0

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hi cypher....

I would not start using nutrients in MG soil for at least 2 months...
I would also not start feeding seedlings or clones (in other soils) as a general rule for the first 7-14 days

I have seen many nice plants grown in Fox Farm and MG with no nutrients added.. They were flowered early and were grown in 3 gallon containers..

water pH is KEY..



Well-Known Member
I'm not too messed up tonight. Did I miss something? I don't see anything about MG soil. He's intending to use MG for this nutes, but he's not saying that's what's in his soil.


Well-Known Member
I used Gardeners Potting Soil. not MG... I used MG nutrient spikes which were 6-12-6 and I was wondering if there was a way to just add Nitrogen along with it. I forget don't I just pee on them a little?