When Does Veg Really Start?...

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I have been told that Veg starts 3 weeks after it sprouts. I have also been told that veg starts after the first node develops. I have heard...well you guys get the idea. There seems to be so many variations as to when Veg actually begins, I have no idea. I usually start Veg nutes 3-4 weeks after sprout, so I start the Veg clock at that point.

It appears that different strains mature at different times so would Veg differ from plant to plant? On the grand scheme of things, I guess it's not that important but I would like to know what others interpretation of "the begining of Veg".


Well-Known Member
I like to consider it veg when the seedling has its first growth spurt. But I am sure theres a bajillion other thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I have been told that Veg starts 3 weeks after it sprouts. I have also been told that veg starts after the first node develops. I have heard...well you guys get the idea. There seems to be so many variations as to when Veg actually begins, I have no idea. I usually start Veg nutes 3-4 weeks after sprout, so I start the Veg clock at that point.

It appears that different strains mature at different times so would Veg differ from plant to plant? On the grand scheme of things, I guess it's not that important but I would like to know what others interpretation of "the begining of Veg".
Yea,veg growth is any green growth without fruiting or flowering. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Help me clear this up. When people say they "veged" for 4 weeks, is that four weeks from sprout or 4 weeks from the 1st sign of new growth? Is it more important to base your decision on when to flower based on size of plant, example 12 inches?


Well-Known Member
Well in that case, I think it usually means from birth of the plant, whether from a seed or a rooted cutting/clone.

I'd say atleast base it off of the nodes and size. If you flow at 1 foot, you'll end up with a 2-3 foot plant after its flowered most likely. If its 1 foot tall and the nodes are still growing in pairs, I'd wait till they start alternating (see pic) and start to show their preflowers.

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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I consider there to be 3 stages of growth when growing from seed:


Personally I consider the first 2 weeks "seedling" stage. This is when the roots are growing so you don't see a lot of up top plant development. Once the roots get established (about 2 weeks) then you start to see the plant grow. This is when I consider the true "veg" state to have started.

Now... when referring to my grow... I will say "they vegged for 7 weeks". Technically they were seedlings for 2 and vegged for 5.... but it's just easier to count the seedling & veg state together when talking about it.

I also agree with the poster who said it's really about the size of the plant and not the number of weeks in determining when to flower. You may have laid out an exact plan for the number of weeks you want to veg.... but when it comes down to it you can't push mother nature around. They'll be ready when they're ready.... :)

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the indepth answers and Rep to XKaminAX and Florida Girl. I only grow for the meds and I usually grow 2-3 different strains. I have found that it is hard to go just by age. It seems it's easier to go by actual size of plant when introducing to flower especially when growing indicas and Sativas in the same grow.

I keep my nute schedule based on actual age but then I am going to use size to determine when these babies go into flower. Thanks again for your opinions.:blsmoke: