When drying.....


Well-Known Member
When drying the plant as a whole plant hung up.

What kinda temps cteate mold, cooler temps? or warmer temps?


Well-Known Member
so its ok to dry in a cooler temp? like below 20 ? dropping low at nights? it is dry in the area and not humid.


the trick is to keep the temp constant, low rh and constant, it is okay to dry in a cooler temp though, but not below 20...try to keep it above freezing...there is water in the plant still..


i apologize about that, didnt think about celsius, that should be fine, thats about optimal i would say 68f right? if you could get it down a few degrees would be even better but u will have no problems below 70, more imprortant is the RH (humidity)


Well-Known Member
Once I chop my plants, I keep them between 45% RH to 70% RH. Temperature is kept between 70*F to 78*F (21*C to 25*C).


Well-Known Member
That's good info, thanks for passing it along. My problem with keeping it under 70*F is that it's not always practical. I cure my weed in my bedroom. That would mean either buying a fridge or keeping the house A/C on all the time, which can get expensive, not to mention just feeling cold. 74*F to 76*F is more practical and sometimes just to save some money I allow the room to get as high as 78*F. Yeah it's risky, but not really that risky. As long as your inspecting the bud and smelling it often you should be fine. I think it's more important to keep humidity in check then the temperature. All within reason of course.


Well-Known Member
i dont have a rh tester. but i can assure its def not humid in my drying area. Its dry as bone, with no moisture in the air.
Great info. I am just about to chop down my outdoor grow. I was going to cure them in my shed but at night where I live it gets down to 10c. Is that to cold for the plant to cure? I am going to put a fan and humidifier in as well.