When Germinating Glass Of water


Well-Known Member

When germinating in a glass of water can some seed take longer to sink to the bottom than others?


Well-Known Member
I use DWC, I sow directly into hydroton, then fill my buckets up to within an inch of where I planted the seed, and let the air pump agitate the water so that it will bring enough moisture to the seed zone and germinate it.

toaster struedel

Well-Known Member
I prefer good old soil, no presoak, just pop em in the dirt. It's a lot less hassle. I got some 15 yr old seeds I might scuff and soak overnight, but that's cause they are so old.


Well-Known Member
Paper towel 48 hours 1 cm shoot plant that 1 cm in soil will be 2 Inches seedling in 2 to 3 days

I hate handling germinated seeds in ANY fashion. It's not because I think it's bad, it's just cause I am EXTREMELY clumsy and my fingers have gotten fatter and aren't able to be as delicate.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's ok...

The sink or swim method is a myth, I think I read somewhere.

When you go to plant them, you might want to give them a little knick with a knife at the pointy end..


Active Member
Run your index finger along the side of your face next to your ear.. Use that finger to "mix" the water. The small amount of oil will reduce the surface tension of the water and you will get more sinkers.