when in flowering


how long does it take to start seeing buds on these lemon strain on day 11 and no signs feeding bio grow/bio bloom and folowing the bio chart and getting a bit worried about the size nearly 5.5ft


my setups in a cubbyhole and my light is a 250 hps whith a home made bathroom extractor fan and a pc fan for in take and 1 for circulation


yep just been switch the light on and think theve slowly started to flower cause i have the light on at night and off in the day


Active Member
You need it hooked to a timer so it gets steady 12 hour cycles of pure dark/pure light. If you are just turning the light on during the day and off at night it's not gunna work for you.


what do you meen my light isnt on in the day its on at night 10pm till 10am everynight and switch off at 10 am sharp


Active Member
complete darkness when it sleeps and plus its only day 11 of flowering wait another 3 - 5 days i bet youll start seeing some fuzzy colas


nice one ndzbnin got some pic but dont no how to put them on and camra phone goes all funny when lights on


Active Member
Somethings going all funny around here and it doesn't seem to be your cameraphone ttocs. Not to call you out or anything but from your threads both you and your mate from work have plants that are 11 days in and not showing buds. Then your buddy harvested 18 ounces of bud that makes you puke, and your plants are too tall. I can understand if you need to change your story up a little to feel safer like "Hey I know this guy at work, his plants ....," but we're taking our time to try and help you out and it gets hard when the details are all fuzzy and keep switching around. I hope the plants come out great.


the only reason i said that is i dont want my front door coming off again and tommorow ill take individual pics of them paranoid is what that was cus next time im caught with alot of weed or even cultevating the stuff ill be sitting in a 12/8 cell for quite some time and you never no who is listening in IE the police have the beefest ferm you will ever meet and can find you very easy when logged on to a furum take it from me all they need is your ip address and you can guess the rest


Active Member
Hey I can understand you being paranoid. You've gotta move out here to Cali where there's no worries, unless of course you care about living in a bankrupt state or finding a job! Take it easy.


you to. your lucky the police kick you door off if they smell it or if someone phones them up they smash your door in scare your kids and ask questions after instead of knocking on you front door and saying we believe you are growing weed your very lucky out there in cal very nice place but the jails put me off is it like you see on satalite tv all gangs and people getting killed or is that rubbish. and englands going that way too no jobs and nearly bankrupt mate


Active Member
I live in a small town in the mountains, whenever we hear sirens it's like "Oh no, someone got in an accident," or "there must be a fire somewhere." I'm pretty lucky that way though, some parts of the state are pretty bad and can make you scared to be in them, but that's just certain parts of the more major cities. All in all it's not that bad - people get the wrong impression from tv. Definitely more guns and violence than the UK.


its going to be like that overear soon the goverment are putting up all the taxes and v.a.t theres no jobs and people are getting slammed for growing weed your so lucky but people have to watch what they say because the police love sites like this they find out your ip address and then come and smash your door in around 6am in the morn