When is a plant truly dead?? See Pix!


Well-Known Member
looking for wisdom here.

I was given two very sickly clones that had been starting to Flower then re-vegged before I got them.

i really thought these were Dead, but....

I still have them under 18/6 light CFL 95 watts, I gave them a small dose of root food about 5 days ago.

I thought these were Dead and when I pulled them up I saw new roots on the cubes while the plants look totally dead.

how can I reassure a resurrection??

Do I have to cut the plant in some way to allow root growth to become plant growth???

pics are today, I buried them in the Hydroton they sit on a larger block of RW Under pellets.

ebb n Flo setup




Well-Known Member
If they have roots out the puck plant em and give em care like you would any other. they'll bounce back for ya they look far from dead. That shriveled one is done for though.


Well-Known Member
all the ones like pic 2 are probably too far gone. the roots will keep going though so you have a slight chance of survival. she has been stunted and weak for several months so it just dont look good, but its possible.



Well-Known Member
if there is no green leaves and its dried up it wont live. if ifs green and jus thirsty meaning the leaves arent crispy they shud survive. the one plant is surely dead.


Well-Known Member
Thank You for all the answers!

I did trim off any rotten RW and I made a batch of root solution.
I dipped 4" cubes and got them about 75% wet then I put the little dead plants in the new RW.
I am hoping the roots will reach for the root hormone.

where I come from its worth a few months work to revive these if at all possible.

I know the Strain and they are a good one, just have to see if they can come back from near Death.

thank You Again!


Well-Known Member
Thank You for all the answers!

I did trim off any rotten RW and I made a batch of root solution.
I dipped 4" cubes and got them about 75% wet then I put the little dead plants in the new RW.
I am hoping the roots will reach for the root hormone.

where I come from its worth a few months work to revive these if at all possible.

I know the Strain and they are a good one, just have to see if they can come back from near Death.

thank You Again!
Reviving plants near death will prob be some short stalky bushy strong plants. Its like training them in shitty environments, if they survive in those conditions they should flourish if revived.


Well-Known Member
im not sure top looks dead bottom looks alive
id say stay wit it until finalzed to be 100% one way or the other


Well-Known Member
Root, and Shoot. It's cool your roots are growing, but you also need to look for bud sites (apical bud, and lateral bud sites) This is where your plant starts new growth. If those are all dead your screwed. I've had that happen a couple times with clones. When the bud sites die the plant can't grow a shoot anywhere. Even if it has roots. Look for the bud sites on the shoot, see if there green.