When is a seedling considered in veg? When to start nutes?


This is my 4th grow, first time starting a thread, long time lurker. I've read a lot on this forum and read a few books and feel that I have an OK grasp on things. But I haven't had a ton of experience with lots of different strains.

Recently a couple seed banks had some specials going on for a mixture of stuff, some of them autoflower from what I remember. I didn't keep them labeled because I like to be surprised. For me this is more of a hobby than anything, and I love experimenting.

Mixture of CFLs and T5's, still planting from seed because due to my space issues and current abilities I am not successful at cloning. Plus I have cats so I have to keep everything away from them. Using Fox Farm Happy Frog in a 5 gallon bucket. Nutes will be Fox Farm as well through a suggested feeding schedule I got from the company. But the feeding schedule is not supposed to start until out of seedling stage.

The germinated seed was planted into soil on 8/11 and sprouted soon after. On the last 3 grows by now they have been much taller. BUT they have not been as bushy as this so quickly. So I'm dealing with something new here, very short and bushy but it will not stretch. Using 18/6 light schedule but thinking of switching to 16/8 because it's so short. The leaves are still immature too which lends me to believe it is not mature enough for nutes yet.

First questions, how much longer until you think nutes should be started? Does this look like a lowryder or autoflower? How will I know? And if so is 12/12 a better lighting schedule for an autoflower or does it not matter? I know I should have kept the seeds labeled but like I said I like a surprise, but since I've never dealt with this before I am looking for some guidance.


Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
As to what it is, I couldn't tell ya, but if you want it to stretch, raise your lights, but the closer you get to 12/12, you're pushing going into flowering.
Vegging is from time they sprout the first pair of leaves (I believe) and continues as long as you keep it on 24/0.
For sure you are too early for nutes.
Sorry, but that's all I got.
Be patient, more answers will come.


Thanks. Also all lights are in the same position as the past 3 grows. So conditions haven't changed that's why this is new to me.


Well-Known Member
That's the rule i always follow. The plant has all its nutrients in those leaves, and when they begin to die that is when the nutes are spent.

Maybe look for some seedling nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I personally start nutes at around 6 inches height. Some people say 3-4.. but I think it really doesn't "need" it. Some people go by weeks.. like 3weeks or so. I don't agree either just go by plant. Ultimately you'll see if the particular strain need the nutes early..


I don't think it's autoflower but you'll know for sure soon. I would defiantly not mess with the light schedule 18/6 is fine.
You need to raise your lights if you want stretch, if possible. As for nutes, the plant will tell you when, if your potting mix has nutes you should be good for 3-4 weeks of zero nutes, but like I said the plant will tell you. Probably the first sign you'll see is yellowing leaves, indicating nitrogen def.

Now for my MAJOR concern! For the love of cannabis get those power plugs off the floor!!


Like I said before the lights are in the same position as the last 3 grows and I've never experienced this kind of slow vertical growth. But different strains different genetics, I know, just seemed strange to me. Thanks for all the help and suggestions everyone.

And I was wondering if someone was going to mention the wiring haha. Drip tray is way deeper than any watering I would ever do, I'd have to severely over-water to get a pool to rush over the edge. Tape on the bucket is to prevent water from shooting out the side, and only going down (my ghetto fix). And lastly everything goes through a trip/fuse so that IF water does hit it and it shorts it will just get tripped and cut power. No chance of electrical fire or anything like that. But thanks for the concern. I know my setup isn't ideal but it's what I have to work with right now in my tiny condo and it works for me and my personal use. Trying to do the best I can with 1 plant at a time in a limited area and learn as much as I can, so that when I have more space, time, and money I will have learned a few tricks to achieve bigger results.

roger v

autos are aways short never grew them.stretching will happen when you go 12 12 called stretching period for the first two weeks after you go 12 12.


Well-Known Member
inormally start food at about 1/4 strenth at week 3 then work my way up if it is an auto max at 1/2 strenth if reg work my way up to full strenth

if an auto wil start to flower at around 20 to 25 days

either way