when is an appropriate time or height to top and or fim


Ok so I have some clones that are doing really well and I’d like to keep them that way. So I am wondering when is an appropriate time or height to top and or fim them? Please let me know and thanks.


Well-Known Member
Varies,what I do is after week one(flower),When you are in 12/12 I pinch the top. I also suppercrop.If you dont know what supercropping is look it up, this will increase your yields.


New Member
if you wanna top, do it above either the 2nd or 4th node, do it early as possible in veg so you don't loose all the energy that will go into producing more height when you're just gonna cut it off anyways, you can use that energy to make nice thick stalks and branches.
For fimmin' you should do that when you have 4-5 nodes.

hope this helps
I've topped mine when they reach around 5 nodes. You can always look into LST which I believe can be done gradually throughout growth.


Well-Known Member
yeah when there is like 6" of growth, or like they said four nodes of growth. fimming will give you multiple tops. with indoor grows i thing fimming is the only way to go. first of all you don't want one big top, it'll be heavy, and your undergrowth will be uneven. this will give you the densest growth, for your indoor needs. good luck bro!