When is it time to start flushing my plants, and how should I use my flushing agent


Active Member
Ok.... Please read this WHOLE post thoroughly, for I have a few important questions, and I need some precise answers, please. I know that trichs play a MAJOR role in harvest. But how do I decide it is a good time to flush. For instance, for most part, 3 of my strains, that are 10-11 weeks flower strains(that are now on day 68 of 12/12), The trichs are JUST starting to turn cloudy(but hairs are white) do I: 1)Feed it again? or 2) Start flushing process with Botanicare Clearex, and Advanced Nutrients Final Phase. Another question I need answered is, most threads I read, people say to start flushing when Trichs are ready. But I would think u would want to harvest when Trichs are ready. OR........ Am I misinformed, and once the flushing process starts, does the ripening of the Trichs stop. In another words if I were to start flushing at 100% cloudy, would that mean that if I flushed for 3 weeks my trichs would stay cloudy, or would they still change? I think the Trichs continue to ripen, even while flushing, but I might be wrong. The reason I ask though, is I started flushing my Chiesel(which is a 8-10 week strain) 2 weeks ago @ week 8 of 12/12 and now it's on day 68 of 12/12 and it doesn't seem that the Trichs are no where near done. The bud has gotten frostier, and the almost ALL the hairs are dark red, but the Trichs are still not completely cloudy. There's some clear, a couple cloudy, and a couple amber, but 65% are clear!
Now another important question is this....... I wanted to use the Clearex to leach the soil, and Final Phase after. Now the problem is I have flushed a bunch of different ways in soil, and I'm not sure how to do it. Seems like not even the people who make the products, nor the Hydro Store, can give me a straight answer on how to properly flush with the flushing agent. Now when using "Flushing Agents", how do u apply? AND BE SPECIFIC. Is it like this?????? When u decide to start the flushing process, do u water with the flush solution for a few day, THEN actually flush with straight water(3 times the container size. For example 1 gallon container, 3 gallon of water). Or do I just water with the flushing solution for a few days, then just water with fresh water until harvest? Oh yeah I should mention I am using a Soilless soil, Sunshine Organic Mix(the bag says its an organic mix, but it's a soilless mix, unless the Hydro guy doesn't know what he's selling) to be exact. Anyways, I wanted to throw that in there b4 I get a bunch of responses on how to flush in hydro system. When do I start flushing my soil? I thank u for ANY help. Peace!


i just got final phase,i'm in dirt and it says flush with ph balanced water for final 7 days but nothing specific. Do you only add to plain water or your regular budding water? Then do you flush with plain water it says none of that damnit i'm waitin on the answer too man!


Well-Known Member
tip from a vet:

when they look done as in desired trichome color (mostly cloudy, mostly amber, mixture of the two)... give them another week... use this week to flush (flushing is feeding the normal amount you would but with no nutes).

as far as all the crap your using to flush... plain ph'd water will do the trick.....

right now i would say they're not "done" ie. clear trichomes

hope this helps.


Active Member
fo sho, me and my homie was having the same discussion, id say watch the trichomes, and as soon as you see what you want, start flushing for atleast two weeks and im betn everything would be on course, yeah dat