when is it too late to take a clone?


Active Member
Ive heard people who have later in flowering , you should be good it just might take a littlr longer. Good Luck..


Well-Known Member
Yes but once rooted it will take awhile to revert to veg. I'm not talking about a branch with big buds.


Well-Known Member
If you want to save the plant (no other clones / mother ) it is never too late to take a clone, it can just take a long time to recover even after it roots.


Well-Known Member
ive done it several times with 3 diff. strains,ur good to go man just be very patient.it can be done 1 day before before harvest.just pick a branch from the bottom of the plant as they should still contain alot of the type of chlorophyll produced in veg.


Active Member
Yeah its never to late, I have done it before. It took 2 full weeks to start rooting(aero) and another full week before I could move it, then nearly a month of awkward growth be3fore it finally reverted to veg.


Active Member
if we ever meet i shall buy u dinner and take u out for a drink.
you have to make sure that you take a node with budding sites not the leaf because a leaf won't produce bud i learned that the hard way good luck


Active Member
im going to sound like a retard......but whats a node?? ive heard that term alot. don really know what it is.


New Member
no, it is never too late, it results in really bushy plants. google "what is a flowering clone" and go to the 420magazine thread that shows up.
i took them in flower most say they take 4 weeks to root or never root
bullshit had them root in 4-5 days myself
never to late to clone like u say