When is OG kush gonna be back in stock?!


Well-Known Member
I had a customer of mine give me some she said it was og purple kush... but maybe she was mistaken, anyways I have a grow journal going now i can't wait to see if its as good as everyone says!!


Well-Known Member
U Can get the OG 18. Its double OG basically. Havnt grown it, waitin for Reserva myself. Reserva is also DNA, so I doubt it will be Nov. They have tooooo many customers to have waitin that long:)


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for that OG too. In the mean time I bought some Kandy Kush (OG Kush x Trainwreck) from Speedy to hold me off in the mean time.


Well-Known Member
Ive been patiently waiting for about a month now, whats the deal?! Anyone know? Theyre out everywhere!

damn that sucks in cali i can get og clones all day..i just had 6 but gotta rid of 3 cuz i didnt have room for em..they were already 10inches and i sold 3 for $25..my boy was hella happy..they had some of the fattest leafs i've ever seen


bud bootlegger
man, after reading this thread, i had to run over to dr. green thumb and pick me up a pack of the og kush beans for $200/ ten pack.. says they are femmed, so that's not too too bad really.. i just called the number on the site and used my card and the whole thing took about 5 minutes or so, and dude was way cool and a big help. not too sure on how long they will take to arrive, but i am super excited to get them in the ground next to my herijuana seedlings.


Well-Known Member
HMMM wish i wasnt a broke student id love to try it just too damn expensive for me.. let me know how it goes.


bud bootlegger
I wonder if they accept weed as payment ....
lmao.. that was a good one jn.. the dude on the phone sounded a lil baked, so maybe they do, lol..
i hear you about being broke, i am on umemployment at the moment, and tend to spend wayy more on seeds than i really should, i think i have a problem to be honest with ya.. everytime i read a thread about some fire strain, i'm online buying them as soon as i can.. its gonna take me a few good years to grow out all of the gear i have now in my ever growing collection, but i try and spread the love with those in my growing community as i can always use all of the good karma points i can..
i will surely do a smoke report when i get that far, i think these will be the next to go in my room as soon as they arrive, i think sannies herijuana and some og kush should make for a nice grow or two.. hope the beans are as good as i hear ...


Well-Known Member
According to a video off of Attitude, the original OG came from some bagseed found at a Grateful Dead concert.

I have been waiting for Reserva Privada OG & OG18 for months now also. Sucks because it was in stock and I could have ordered, but I hesitated and it was gone a couple days later. I've been waiting ever since.

I just ordered some King's Kush from Greenhouse Seeds. OG x Grape Ape. I fuggn love Grape Ape & OG so it's a win-win. Purple OG should go like fuggn hotcakes ;)


Active Member
OG Kush- Here's what I know. Not claiming to be OG triple OG or anything. So OG doesn't stand for Original Gangster, it stands for Ocean Grown. It is from bag seeds found at a Greatfull Dead concert. Then grown in Malibu California on the cliffs over the ocean.(Im originally from Venice, CA) that's where it became famous with the rappers, movie stars and Athletes.............I grew up with direct access to the strain and now live across the country and scared to travel with clones. But I did just order some Reserva Prevada OG Kush from attitude. It was in stock and I ordered it right then and there. Not an hour later it was out of stock. It hasn't shown up yet but they sent it so im confident. They have never let me down. Good luck getting yours. 200 for 10 is good. I paid 100 for 5 or 6. I cant remember. Word up OG's


Well-Known Member
I can't wait for them to re-up on this.. I've been looking forward to growin this ever since I first tasted it.


Active Member
Mine came from greenthumb. I agree with stankdank 200 for these genetics is a drop in the bucket. I've paid more for less thats for sure.

Nice OG man. Now that's a OG Tripple OG right there!! Drop in the bucket mutha, mutha fuck it!!:weed: