When is the best time to switch to 12/12???


Active Member
I gotta plant that is working on her 9th set of fan leaves and just showed her first sign of pre sexing and shes a female. About a foot tall and I just transplanted her about 4 days ago and gave her a good flush her last feeding and shes ready for another. Should I switch to 12/12 and start on her on the flowering phase or should I push her some more in veg and wait a little longer??


Active Member
I would say veg for 5-6 weeks if you have the space. She will get big (possibly 5-6 foot after stretching in early flower).
Nice yield as well :)


Well-Known Member
it all depends on how much final height room u have and how much harvest u want & r willing to wait for...only each individual grower can answer this question. Right now, she will finish about 24' or taller (double in height from when u put them into flower), so if u have the room & r willing to wait another few weeks, go for it. I vegged my current grow for a full 56 days before going to 12-12, they r mini trees of course, lol.


Active Member
Sweet ill give her a little more time to develope some more branching. Thanx guys keep it dank! happy grows!