when is too soon to stick seedling under 430Whps


Well-Known Member
I have a little sprout that's just now developing it's first set of real leaves(second if you include the sproutling leafs) my question is simple. Can i stick it under my hps? If so how far should i keep it away? i figure about 3-4 feet. Or should i keep it under 2 20 W cool/warm floro's untill it gets a bit bigger?

I am planting it into it's 5 gallon home as we speak, i don't want to play with transplanting anymore if not needed, it seems to stunt growth.

specs: I put a few drops of superthrive per gallon of dechlorinated/oxygenated water, and fed my baby seedlings. This is all i've done.

I am about to use fox farm premium select potting soil (worm castings, and bat guano) in a 5 gal bucket to make this little "hopefully" lady a home.


Well-Known Member
cmon guys atleast 1 pro comment not just two weeks.

EDIT::::forget about it fools i'll figure it out by trial and error! = D i decided to just keep the hps a few feet away and see how the seedling responds.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Buy yourself a metal Halide bulb for your ballast. Put them under that for a month ,then switch over to HPS your yield will thank you.



Well-Known Member
Hey joe! Thanks for the tips, as you know us "SonAgro" hps growers can get 30% of that "blue spectrum" mh produces, and therefore producing more compact nugs with higher yields. You probably assumed i use regular hps. If you believe Mh is better than Son Agro, then i'm open to here the reasoning. Check out Jorge Cervantes "Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical grower's bible". There is a giant section on lighting and explanations on light. I will reread the section on MH. When i bought my ballast/reflector, They did not tell me if i could interchange it with a MH bulb. If i plug in a MH bulb will it somehow "fry" my ballast?

Thanks all for tips, Keep em coming!

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
You can purchase an Metal Halide conversion bulb. If you use your HPS for vegging you will have stretchy plants.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Why not use the hps (at a greater distance from the plants) as well as the fluoros (within a few inches) until you're ready to flower or until they get bigger. You need something in the 6500k spectrum range with those fluoros though...

But if you're using an HPS with enhanced blue spectrum you should be fine the whole way through.


Well-Known Member
yea like itsgrowin said anytime, but I've veged some chubby ducks with an hps, i personally like the flouro tubes best for veg tho, cause u can keep em stalky without having to worry much about care or heat. but if i were u id save my dough, but thats coming from someone who has 3 more hids than he can use :)