when seedling still has head on it????


Well-Known Member
when your seed pops up and still has the seed casing on it......do you just leave it until it drops off. dont want to mess with it unless I need to.


Active Member
There comes a point when you may have to coax it off. If it gets lodged just right, it can cause problems. If it's still there 2 days after sprouting, I take it off. But yeah, very gently.


Active Member
This happened to me for the 1st time when I started this grow. I waited and waited and it never came off. Finally very gently removed it with tweezers. Now everything is great.


Active Member
I disagree, i have had plants die on me before, because the casing wouldn't come off on it's own.

I have had success with a pair of tweezers. I had one sprout yesterday with the seed casing on it. so i took the tweezers and VERY CAREFULLY peeled the casing off bit by bit (it usually doesn't take much, just determination).

Just be sure to BE GENTLE.


Well-Known Member
fuck not removing it, slowly remove it so not to damage the seedling I do it every time I grow if the shell is stuck on.


Well-Known Member
If you do have to pry it off, mist it with water and let it set for a little to soften up. It'll come off easier. Same if you take the seed pod off but the cotlyedons still don't open. Mist the ''skin'' with water to soften up for awhile and it'll peel right off easily. Congradulations too, it has begun.


Well-Known Member
Ok so it never came off. So I took your advice and gently popped it off with some tweezers. it came off easily. Now you can see then first green leaves folded into a pod. I am leaving it be with a taste of gentle watering every other day.


Well-Known Member
Yeah sounds like the ''skin'' is still on. If in a few days they still don't unfold, mist , and peel it off. Just what I'd do. Really delicate to do so bring your surgeon hands.


Well-Known Member
Man just seen that. Pretty cool! Put a different strain in each cylinder chamber and give it a spin. Weed roulette.


Well-Known Member
ok so now the little seed pod popped open to reveal the cotledons....followed by a nice set of leaves...now follewed by a second set of leaves. Were now underway :-)