When shld flower?


Well-Known Member
okay, basically after trying and failing i eventually have a plant! SC, its 24cm tall with just over 73cm height above it before the light. should i go into flowering? ill get a pic up soon as possible
set up: in soil (half compost half soil with some blood meal), 400w hps light, and a fan
please reply! =)


Well-Known Member
ps also, the bottom leaves are turning slightly yellow, should i start with any ferts?


Active Member
are the nodes alternating? if so, flower. nodes will grow directly opposite eachother when the plant is immature, when they start staggering, then she's ready to go to the next phase.


Well-Known Member
i would definitely go into flowering phase NOW. especially bearing in mind your height restriction. imo alternating nodes rule is nothing but superstition


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply, they seem to mostly opposite each other but there is 2 of the side branches with alternating nodes. should i wait a little longer? i was also wondering how much it will grow when induced to flowering


Well-Known Member
lower that light!!! If it's not air cooled then keep it about a foot away, put your hand underneath the top of the plant if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your plant...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply, they seem to mostly opposite each other but there is 2 of the side branches with alternating nodes. should i wait a little longer? i was also wondering how much it will grow when induced to flowering
it may easily triple in size


Active Member
flower her now. you may want to try 36 hours of dark first; jorge's bible says it may help alert plants to flower quicker. i'm trying this method soon as well.

and though you don't have to follow the alternating nodes rule, it isn't superstitious, it's a fact of botany. mature plants alternate nodes and this is indicative that they have a complete root system, thus are healthy enough to support the energy required to produce fruit.


Well-Known Member
ah okay, thanks for the replies! yeah the height restriction is whats looming in my mind, if i had the height then i reckon id grow it a bit longer veg. reckon ill start the flowering now =)
ill fire a picture up of the lower leaves which im a little concerned about


Well-Known Member
i tried 36h darkness myself and recommend it. just dont start it with dry soil so theyre wet throughout that period


Active Member
another thing to note is that most inside light systems don't have the power to penetrate into the leave layers of a big plant, so you're totally better off keeping indoor plants smaller. yield can still be excellent.


Well-Known Member
groovy, i watered them yesterday so they should be fine, will check with the moisture meter later and see how they are to be safe in an hour when the light cycles off.
next time i grow ill keep them smaller and use a couple of clones methinks! i reckon i cld get 3 in the closet


Well-Known Member
=o the guys comment dissappeared?
anyhoo, any ideas about the leaves. reckon they need some nitro?


Well-Known Member
anybody got any ideas about the lower leaves?? i just gave them a weak fertiliser today to see if they get any better. day 1 of flowering now =)


Well-Known Member
i cut the crappy lower leaves off that were not receiving any light cos of their condition + added ferts + added more bloodmeal again and the plant is beasting away!


Well-Known Member
yellowing lower leafs is normal, you should be more aggressive with pruning on the lower branches, especially before flowering.

She looks like she would absolutely love a transplant into a bigger pot, 11+L deep and wide pots. I would put it in a more neutral soil, compost is hard to control if you dont have good experience with it.

If you do transplant and get some new soil just get some promix HP which is like 10 for a massive compressed block of it. Shultz makes good soil too, stay away from any soil with nutrients or fertilizers, After the transplant I would start off with a half dose of any general Veg hydro nutrient. 1 week after transplanting you could go ahead and start flowering.

This is totally optional, but since you only have one you could top it, cut above a node making sure NOT to remove the node or any of the shoots coming off the node because those will be the new tops, you can grow 2 tops, 3 or 4, it depends how many shoots you leave on top (shoots are the split leaves growing out from the corner of the fan leaves)