when should i allow for more light 18days old under metal halide


Active Member
my light is exactly 2ft above i kno its kinda high but its gotta stay like that for the time being. its at 300watts i can turn it up as high as 600w i was wondering since the lamp is so far should i turn wattage up to 400w


Well-Known Member
Seeds- full light right from the start.
clones- shadow light until they show roots. Than full light.
It sounds like you have a switchable ballast, great choice. You are right for wanting to start them on the lower wattage, it's the way it happens in nature and you can save a lot of cash on your electric bill! I get 400 mh bulbs for all my 600w fixtures. That way the plants get acclimated quickly without any setbacks from stress. Get some reflector adjusters so you can keep your plants in the sweet spot.

I run the 400 bulbs @ 300w on the seedlings for about ten days, then turn it up to 400 for the rest of vegetation. For flowering they get a 600w bulb. Remember to change the bulb before switching the ballast to the 600w setting. (Don't ask me how I know! :) )

The money savings on electricy over the is grow is pretty nice, 50 percent during the seedling stage and 30 percent during veg. These are also the times when you are running the light at 24 and 18 hours. I haven't had a garden yet I couldn't veg with a 400. Its also a good way to control heat in certain smaller grow areas and hot times of the year. A nice side effect is it lowers any electricity consumption "paranoia" one may have. Not to mention is a wise use of a resource!
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
they are 18 days old
Yah so what...Seedlings get full light. Do you think the sun dims for the first couple if weeks for every seed popping out the ground... Lmao...come on, use your head. the light is what drives the plant to grow.