When should I cut and dry her??


So I’m now into week 6 of flower on my gorilla glue X and she’s looking great. Buds are looking great. I know they say GG takes 8-10 for flower but I’m just wondering if I may be a little sooner.

temps: 74 day 68 night
Humidity: holding at 47%

I can see somewhat of a nitrogen deficiency on the upper leaves especially where the largest cola is.

Is this something to be concerned about or should I just leave it and let her do her thing?

Judging by the pictures when do you think she will be ready for drying?

After this week I was planning on just continuing to water with just ph’d water and blackstrap molasses...no more nutes and then just water for a full week or so before drying.

Here’s the pictures. I don’t have a Jeweller’s loop but used the microscope on my iPhone.



New Member
There are a lot of white stigmas popping out still. Those will all be orange before you dry it. You have some time left for sure. 3-4 weeks is guess.


Well-Known Member
4+ weeks and It’s too early to really make a final call honestly. Your plant(s) still actively growing and creating new buds still.