When should I first fertilize my plants?


Well-Known Member
This is my 2nd grow and I have 3 plants on day 16. My plants are in a Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil with added perlite. This is NOT new soil. I am reusing my soil that I used for my last grow, so all of the nutrients are flushed out of the soil.

For vegging, i'm using a fertilizer that is 24/8/16. I am only going to use 1/4 strength. What week should should my first feeding be?


bud bootlegger
i;d say three or four weeks... i always like to let the plants tell me when they are hungry.. yu will notice easily.. growth will start to slow down a lot, and some of the leaf tips may start to turn yellow from lack of nitrogen, and the plants overall health just doesn't look as healthy as it should.. starting off with 1/4 strength sounds great.. just water, feed, water, feed, etc.. start at 1/4 strength, than every week bump it up another 1/4, so that by the end of a month of using nutes, you will be at full strength.. this will allow the plants to slowly build up to the nutes, and it helps to aviod nute burn..


Well-Known Member
i;d say three or four weeks... i always like to let the plants tell me when they are hungry.. yu will notice easily.. growth will start to slow down a lot, and some of the leaf tips may start to turn yellow from lack of nitrogen, and the plants overall health just doesn't look as healthy as it should.. starting off with 1/4 strength sounds great.. just water, feed, water, feed, etc.. start at 1/4 strength, than every week bump it up another 1/4, so that by the end of a month of using nutes, you will be at full strength.. this will allow the plants to slowly build up to the nutes, and it helps to aviod nute burn..
Thanks racerboy! i'm really scared of using nutrients early on since I really messed up my first grow from overfertilizing. They became stunted for over 2 weeks.

For this grow, all the leaves look healthy and green, so I guess they don't need to be fed just yet :mrgreen: